Stories about Humanitarian Response from February, 2010
China: Liu Xiaobo's final statement
China Law Prof blog posts Prof. David Kelly's translation of Chinese human rights dissident, Liu Xiabo's final statement: I have no enemies in his blog.
Haiti: Help from Neighbours
CARICOM member states make donations to the Haiti earthquake relief effort: Repeating Islands has the details.
Haiti: Russian Interpol Officer Blogs About Disaster
A Russian Interpol officer in Haiti shares his accounts of the disaster and its aftermath on his blog.
Japan: Snow Candle Sparking Hope for Haiti
Over 100 international students of the International University of Japan joined together to build a snow ball in lighting the candle of hope for Haitians who have been suffering from the earthquake devastation since January 12th.
Japan: For a military base-free Okinawa
TenThousandThings from Kurashi blogs about the weekend rally attended by 6000 people demanding a military base-free Okinawa.
Haiti: Marathon Man
As Haiti drops from being the lead story in the mainstream media, how can they hear stresses that “what Haiti needs most are those that are ready to run the...
Haiti: Measurable Map?
The Life and Times of the Mangine Many republishes a map of the damage in Haiti from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, while The Livesay [Haiti] Weblog...
Haiti: Breast Not Best in Emergencies?
Repeating Islands discovers that “the conditions [in Haiti] are still too precarious for reliable delivery of breast milk.”
Barbados, Haiti: Do the Right Thing
“If there is nothing as strong as an idea whose time has come, the notion of ‘debt forgiveness’ for Haiti has arrived in our time as a nine-point-five on whatever...
Haiti: News from Jacmel
how can they hear reports from Jacmel, Haiti: “There is certainly a shift taking place here in the last 2 days. Life seems to be getting back to normal… In...
Haiti: Making Magic
The Haitian Blogger reports on Haitians helping one another: “A restaurant on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince is taking up the slack left by still-incomplete relief efforts and feeding 1,000 hungry...
Haiti: Running to Help
Diaspora blogger Peggy Brunache is touched by the outpouring of support for Haiti: “I have always felt that Haiti was like that little kid who everyone tried to hit first...