Stories about Humanitarian Response from September, 2017
Netizen Report: From Puerto Rico to Bangladesh, Mobile Blackouts Exacerbate Humanitarian Crisis
This week, two populations on opposite sides of the globe are facing communication shutdowns amid rapidly worsening humanitarian crises.
Sri Lanka Condemns Mob Attack Against Rohingya Refugees by Buddhist Monks
"I condemn these actions as a Buddhist who is very proud of the fact that Buddhism is a religion of non-violence & compassion."
The Unsung Heroes of the 2017 Floods in Mumbai, India
"...I want to ask this government, is the cleanliness of the streets the only important thing? What about the people who do this work?”
Clapping Back Against Online Xenophobia, Trinidad & Tobago Citizens Continue to Help Hurricane-Ravaged Dominica
"I apologise for our having here persons who are less charitable and more ungracious in your time of trouble. They do not represent the majority of us."
Myanmar Government Vows to Address Refugee Crisis in Rakhine State, but Avoids Saying ‘Rohingya’
"Aung San Suu Kyi today demonstrated that she and her government are still burying their heads in the sand over the horrors unfolding in Rakhine State."
The Earthquake that Revealed Mexico's Strength and Solidarity
"A people's greatness is out there, in the streets. Face to face. Hands holding hands. Heartbeats that don't give up, and ask that others don't fade."
Mexico Earthquake: ‘I Thought I Was Going to Die When Pieces of the Ceiling Began to Fall’
People who lived through the September 2017 earthquakes in Oaxaca and Mexico City tell us their experience.
‘We Dare Not Look Out': Dominica Is Brutalised by Hurricane Maria
'Initial reports are of widespread devastation. So far we have lost all what money can buy and replace. [The] physical damage at this time [...] is devastating…indeed, mind boggling.'
The Caribbean Comes Together After Hurricane Irma
"We need to see and hear and interact with each other much much more. That's the message Irma has brought to me".
Muslims in the Former Soviet Union Rally Behind Myanmar's Besieged Rohingya
"They are experiencing what we cannot even imagine! #Rohingyawearewithyou"
As Myanmar Violence Spikes, Why Is India Threatening to Deport 40,000 Rohingya Muslims?
"Surely Modi's government must know of the terrible suffering these Rohingya have fled from."
Scenes From the Bangladesh-Myanmar Border, Where Rohingya Refugees Are Seeking Refuge From Violence
" least few more hours of walk[ing] before they can rest and maybe one kind villager will show up and offer them some food and some water."
Syrians in a Besieged Town Are Learning to Grow Mushrooms to Survive
"We want to spread this idea to the world so that they know our success as well as our struggle with hunger and the siege."
Mexico Offers Relief for Hurricane Harvey Victims Amidst Storms of Immigration Controversy
Carlos Sada, Mexico's undersecretary for North American relations, said late Monday, “Our offer is open and permanent. We're just waiting for instructions [...] This is about being good neighbors."