Stories about Humanitarian Response from December, 2014
Somber Scenes as World Mourns Pakistani Children Slain in Peshawar Attack
Vigils remembering those killed when a group of Taliban gunmen stormed an army school in Peshawar, Pakistan, have taken place around the world, from Canada to Tanzania and Sri Lanka.
Democratic Republic of Congo's Dr. Mukwege: ‘How Can One Stay Silent’ in the Face of Sexual Violence?
Dr. Denis Mukwege moved some European parliament members to tears with his speech accepting the 2014 Sakharov Award on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Harrowing Tohoku Tsunami Stories, Translated Into English
The Kahoku Shimpo, a major newspaper in Tohoku, is publishing English translations of its unique first-hand accounts of the March 11, 2011 "triple disaster" with the help of Harvard University.
Massive Oil Spill Threatens Bangladesh's Sundarbans
Protesters are demanding a stronger government response. Absent effective government measures, however, Bangladesh will have to keep relying on civil society and volunteers in this environmental disaster.
Rebuilding Timbuktu's Cultural Diversity, One eReader at a Time
Several local NGOs are now hard at work in Mali, launching projects to help rebuild the country's social cohesion and restore peace. "Living Together" is using eReaders.