· February, 2008

Stories about Humanitarian Response from February, 2008

Yemen: Gaza, My Grandmother and Candles

  26 February 2008

Yemeni blogger Maysaa Shuja has written a profoundly thoughtful post about candles, electricity, and the possible introduction of nuclear energy to her native country - a country which cannot supply a steady stream of electricity. And while the outpour of sympathy for Gaza and its electricity problems continue, Maysaa Shuja talks about how her enterprising grandmother, may Allah rest her soul in peace, taught them the value of candles at their greatest hours of need.

Kenya: Msafara Initiative

  26 February 2008

Pastor M introduces Msafara Initiative in Kenya: “The Msafara initiative continues to gather momentum. Check out the new website www.msafara.co.ke to learn more about how you can be involved. Many...

Afghanistan: Imagine art after

  25 February 2008

Sanjar tells about “Imagine art after” project, uniting artists who originate from the same country but who are now geographically and politically separated. At the exhibition, shown earlier this year...

Iraq: F*** you Washington Post…

  24 February 2008

...so says Raed Jarrar. Today's post features voices from the edge. Sunshine is waiting for the war on her doorstep to end and writes of her hopes and aspirations; Last of Iraqis is turned back at the Jordanian border and writes of hopes lost; Layla waits in the immigration queue; Baghdad Dentist writes of a relaxed Baghdad and the blogger formerly know as Konfused Kid writes of a world that has changed.

Hindi: No smoking and Cricket Auctions

  22 February 2008

Amit Gupta takes us on a tour of the latest from the Hindi blogosphere, including bad news for male smokers, good news for cricket fans in Hyderabad, and hopeful news regarding the effort to curb the spread of AIDS.

China: Spielberg, the Olympics, and oil

  18 February 2008

Chinese bloggers shocked world media and those calling for a boycott of the Beijing Olympics this week with blog posts revealing a wide variety of Chinese opinions both independent from...

Egypt: Dov'è L'Amore

  17 February 2008

Last Thursday was Valentine's Day, and for sure Egyptian bloggers couldn't miss such opportunity without writing about it, or even dedicating a special recipe of a Chocolate Pie for this occasion and calling it "The meal of Love". Tarek Amr has more.

China: Darfur, a reason to say No?

  16 February 2008

Is the Darfur issue a reason to say No to the 2008 Beijing Olympics? Spielberg nodded recently, while Mr. Bush shrugged, and Beijing frowned. But how about the common people in China?