· October, 2006

Stories about Human Rights from October, 2006

Argentina: Where is Lopez?

  19 October 2006

Where is Jorge Julio Lopez. That's what all of Argentina wants to know “a month after 77 year-old Jorge Julio Lopez disappeared, a key witness in the recent trial against former police official Miguel Etchecolatz, who was sentenced last month to life imprisonment for his involvement in the last dictatorship...

Croatia: Online Discussions Overview

  19 October 2006

Some Croats feel nostalgic when they think about Tito's Yugoslavia, which broke into pieces in 1992. Turbo Kvrcko posts a funny “Wanted” image that depicts why he misses the good old times (HRV): WANTED Josip Broz Tito Beyond reasonable doubt, he has committed the following “criminal acts”: he didn’t allow...

Arabisc: Protests, Human Rights and Cultural Repression

  19 October 2006

With labour union elections coming up soon in Egypt, Manal and Ala are reporting about labour strike in Ain Shams University, where salaries were almost halved. على خلفية الصراع الطبقي اللي محتدم في البلد بقاله 5 سنين و اللي وصل ذروته السنة دي كع اقتراب موعد انتخابات المقابات العمالية بدأ...

Blogging Tunisia: ban, censorship and more censorship…

  19 October 2006

The major issue that has attracted the attention of the Tunisian bloggers in the last two weeks was the campaign against the Islamic veil launched by the Tunisian regime to wipe out what senior officials describe as “sectarian dress”. This last depiction finds its roots in the decree “108”, pioneering...

Lebanon: Beirut and Blogging

  19 October 2006

This week some of the bloggers of the Lebanese blogosphere flirt with Beirut and with blogging. But you will always find politics, religion and war. Remember that Lebanon is in the Middle East. Why do you blog? Why do I blog? Why does Maya[at]NYC blog: Why do people blog, anyway!...

Somalia: radio show on political tensions

  19 October 2006

Ethan Zuckerman writes about a radio show on the political tensions in Somalia: “My friends at Radio Open Source are putting together a show on the political tensions in Somalia – their overview of the political situation is an excellent one, and reflects the difficulty they’re going to have in...

Russia: Grozny War Diaries, 1994-95

  18 October 2006

“Every wall, every gate, every street has their signs of war in Grozny.” Like hundreds of other members of the Virtual Grozny Russian-language forum, Natasha Raslambekova lived in Chechnya's capital until the war forced her to flee in the spring of 1995. This past September, nearly 12 years after the...

Philippines: Anti-terrorism bill in Congress

  18 October 2006

The Philippine government has certified as urgent the passage of an anti-terrorism bill. The Opposition has expressed alarm that the bill if turned into law would be abused by leaders to quell legitimate dissent. Philippine Commentary disputes the editorial of a Manila newspaper concerning the bill. While the blogger has...

Palestine: 007 Middle East Missions

  17 October 2006

As if colonization, dispossession, military occupation, ethnic discrimination, and social disenfranchisement weren't enough – the Israel Law Center is now marketing its government's tactics to Rambo-esque westerners by offering them the unique opportunity to take part in 007 Middle East “Ultimate Mission” vacations behind enemy lines, Nadeem said.

Nigeria: bloodshed in Niger Delta

  17 October 2006

Black Looks has an article about bloodshed and the politics of Niger Delta, Nigeria, “Barely six weeks after President Obasanjo ordered his military commanders in the Niger Delta to return to the warpath and ‘meet force with force,’ the region has re-erupted in anarchy and bloodshed.”

Russia: Treatment of Georgians

  17 October 2006

Blogger Sukhumi has been following the coverage of the persecution of Georgians in Russia (previous Global Voices posts are here and here). He writes (RUS): On the TV channel “Imedi” I saw a demonstration in St. Petersburg against the persecution of Georgians. To my delight, I caught sight of my...

China: shooting in Tibet

  16 October 2006

The opposite end of China puts together some Youtube videos on the recent shooting of Tibetian refugees at the Nepal border by the China PLA.

Russia: Farewell Letter to Politkovskaya

  16 October 2006

“Anna, I see things differently with you on one score. I don’t think Putin is the problem. He symbolizes the illness afflicting this beautiful land. As one human rights activist and friend of mine said back in 2000, ‘Putin is inside all of us. He is our mirror image’,” writes...