· June, 2009

Stories about History from June, 2009

Serbia: History and architecture

Nothing against Serbia discusses Belgrade architecture and its influence by both Byzantine and nationalist heritage, illustrating his point with pictures and plans of the city's former main telephone exchange building.

Taiwan: Burning of the Plague God Boat

  24 June 2009

Burning of Plague God Boat is a local religious ritual in many parts of Taiwan. Instead of showing you a grand event, photo blogger, YangPhoto, takes us to one of the smallest ritual in Da Jiou, a small fishing village in Pingdong.

Caribbean: Following the path of the Caribs

  22 June 2009

Since the beginning of 2009, French West Indians have questioned their identity, their national heritage and their present-day situation in different ways. Kintamingo Ema, a Martinican blog, presents an initiative which mixes a social insertion, historical and archeological project with an identity quest. Dubbed "Kintamingo Ema, sur le chemin de nos ancêtres" (Kintamingo Ema, following the path of our ancestors), the project was launched by Association Karisko , an association focusing on social integration.

Jamaica: Can the IMF Change?

  22 June 2009

“There is talk of the possibility of the current Jamaican administration returning to do business with the International Monetary Fund“: Abeng News Magazine wonders whether the IMF leopard can change...