· November, 2008

Stories about History from November, 2008

India: Kashmir and Mumbai

  29 November 2008

India’s largest city and economic hub are now target practice grounds; much similar to Kashmir. “We’ve all been watching TV till our eyeballs were emanating radioactive glow,” pings a friend...

The Balkans: Tragic Legacy

  29 November 2008

Cafe Turco writes on the inaccuracies in Resolution 819 film and posts a translation of Hasan Nuhanović's article that challenges “the veracity of some scenes.” Srebrenica Genocide Blog writes on...

Puerto Rico: Status Quo?

  28 November 2008

“Our struggle for self-determination, to be free from outside impositions, is ideological and it is not what's best for the majority of the people who live here”: Gil the Jenius...

Haiti, Venezuela: Chavez's Change

  28 November 2008

The Haitian Blogger believes that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is the driving force behind “a global change agenda that gives voice to the poor and dispossessed.”

Cuba: Indebted

  28 November 2008

“If Cuba was a household, the repo man would have been sent in a long time ago”: Child of the Revolution examines Cuba's balance sheet.

Armenia: Bloggers Throw Funeral at Georgian Embassy

  27 November 2008

Carrying a black casket labeled “The Newborn Georgian Democracy,” a group of bloggers in Yerevan have marched toward the Georgian Embassy protesting what they call the destruction and desecration of Armenian cultural monuments in neighboring Georgia. Bloggers tell the story.