Stories about Health from July, 2017
This Jamaican Scientist's Marijuana-Based Anti-Cancer Drug Has Been Approved by the FDA
Should Dr. Lowe try to launch the drug himself if he can raise the funding? And what of the Jamaican government's role in taking the lead regarding ganja?
Dhaka Citizens Show Mayors Red Card for Failure to Control Mosquito-Born Diseases
"No, Mr. Mayor, nobody has called you to fix mosquito nets inside their homes. You were given the responsibility to kill mosquitoes so we don't require mosquito nets..."
Is the Legalisation of Marijuana in Trinidad & Tobago an ‘Idea Whose Time Has Come'?
"The only ones benefiting from keeping marijuana illegal are the drug gangs and they will be forced out of business by legitimate dealers..."
Nine Responses From the International Community to China’s Treatment of Nobel-Winning Dissident Liu Xiaobo
"They must be able to meet and receive visits from whomever they desire, and be able to freely communicate with the outside world."
In China's Ideological Battle, ‘King of Glory’ Game is a Top Target
Chinese Communist Party media are concerned about the game's storyline, which they say "subverts Chinese history."
What's It Like to Live in a Brazilian Prison Cell? Cramped, Dirty, and Dangerous to Your Health
With the fourth largest prison population in the world, Brazil is facing a collapsed system that fails to prosecute appropriately and reintegrate people once they have been in jail.