· April, 2013

Stories about Health from April, 2013

Marijuana in China

  29 April 2013

Chengdu Living has an interesting post on the potential disappearance of relatively free weed smoking atmosphere in China as the police has recently started to crack down on Marijuana trade.

Bhutan's Alcohol Problem

  22 April 2013

Rikku Dhan Subba is concerned about the growing alcoholism in Bhutan, which is creating problems in many families and societies.

Give the Egyptian President a Bath!

Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi has left a stench – on Twitter. Blogger and activist Nawara Negm started the hash tag #حموا_الرئيس [ar], which translates to “Give the President a Bath, after reading in a Lebanese newspaper that some German officials complained about Morsi's body odour to the Egyptian foreign ministry.

Guyana: Smelly City

  16 April 2013

A canal in the capital smells so rancid “it can kill a nation”. Guyana-Gyal smelled it and lived to tell the tale.

Haiti: CARICOM Should Speak Up

  12 April 2013

Appalled by the “legal immunity” that the United Nations appears to have in the country's cholera epidemic, Kevin Edmonds says that it's high time Caribbean leaders speak up for Haiti.

Bhutan on the Road to Becoming Fully Organic

  7 April 2013

The Himalayan Kindgom of Bhutan, famous for its “Gross National Happiness” Index instead of Gross Domestic Product, has set itself the task of being the first country in the world to completely turn to Organic Agriculture.

First Dead Pigs, Now Dead People

  1 April 2013

Following the news stories of dead pigs, Beijing Cream highlights a news story on the fact that dead human bodies are regularly found in China Rivers. The government of Lanzhou,...

About our Health coverage

Juhie Bhatia
Juhie Bhatia is the Global Health editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.