Stories about Health from January, 2010
Puerto Rico: Bloggers discuss Roe v. Wade
The 37th anniversary of the landmark United States Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade (January 22, 1973) spurred bloggers in Puerto Rico to express their opinions about a ruling that still sparks controversy. The decision made abortion legal in the United States, and it was extended to Puerto Rico due to the Island's political relationship with the US.
Global Voices in Haiti: Talking to Volunteer Régine Zamor
Alice Backer, on assignment for Global Voices in Port-au-Prince, interviews Régine Zamor, a Haitian-American who travelled to Haiti after the 12 January earthquake and has helped dozens of people as an independent volunteer. "Many Haitians and others willing to help took matters into their own hands during the first-response period."
Haiti, U.S.A.: Donating Breastmilk
Repeating Islands links to a story about the importance of breast milk for the infant victims of Haiti's earthquake.
Haiti: Endurance
“Over and over mind-numbing injuries that are now two weeks old — yet the people are stoic, strong, long-suffering, graceful … resilient beyond comprehension”: The Livesay [Haiti] Weblog is convinced...
Haiti: 2 Weeks After
Tara Livesay gives an update two weeks after the devastating earthquake hit Haiti.
Haiti: Lessons Learned
Carol and Tom in Haiti post a list of lessons learned in the aftermath of the earthquake, while Trinidadian blogger Tattoo writes about the dos and don'ts of disaster aid.
Saudi Arabia: AIDS treatment takes step backward
Saudi Arabia has announced its plans to shut down a volunteer clinic in Jeddah’s King Saud Hospital that is known for providing medical services, counseling and privacy to AIDS victims. Bloggers lash out against the move saying it is a step backward.
Afghanistan: Youth Find Outlets Amid Ongoing Violence
Last year was the deadliest one for Afghanistan's civilians, including children, since the American-led war began in 2001. Despite the circumstances, efforts are being made nationwide by and for youth to maintain their health and education and to empower them.
D. R. of Congo: The hazards of neglect
Congoblog is a marvel. Every post deserves a mention, but here are some of the more arresting posts to have appeared so far in January 2010.
Canada: Aboriginal Youth Suicides Hit Crisis Rate
Suicide rates have declined in Canada but not in Aboriginal communities, particularly among the youth. Suicide among Aboriginal youth continues to occur at alarming rates, leading to crisis-like situations in some communities
Haiti: Hoping for Miracles
“This city is more densely populated than I can fathom. The work ahead in Port and other areas is mind-numbing. I know there are tons of efforts being made —...
Haiti: Remembering Jacmel
“I couldn’t help remembering how Jacmel looked like at 4:50pm on a regular day. Normally, you have people sitting in their homes, walking in and out, working in their businesses,...
Haiti, U.S.A.: Giving Well
“With all the heartbreaking images from Haiti, the compulsion overwhelms to help”: Peace.Soul.Spirit.Tse. shares why she is giving her contribution to Partners in Health: “It is because I want to...
Haiti, Cuba: Cooperation
Espas Ayisyen Toulouse posted a long speech [Fr] by Fidel Castro, who states his pride at the historical cooperation in the field of medical studies between Cuba and Haiti.
Haiti: Le Cap Haitien sends some news
Wednesday January 13th: The day after the terrible 7.0 earthquake which has left Haiti in an undefinable situation, and the island is facing seemingly insurmountable communication challenges. Still, bloggers are trying to get the word out...
Bangladesh: Cold Wave
Bangladesh is experiencing a cold wave which is bringing the temperature down to less then 10 degrees Celsius. Fahad at Finding Myself is thankful to God for being blessed with...
Haiti: Aftershock
The Livesay [Haiti] Weblog writes a hair-raising post about the aftermath of the earthquake: “I cannot imagine what the next few weeks and months will be like. I am afraid...
Nigeria: Quiet optimism around polio elimination
Health Watch Nigeria discusses polio elimination in the country: “There is a sense of quiet optimism around those working on the Polio Elimination in Nigeria.”
South Korea: Health care system
Ask a Korea explains to the readers how the health care system in South Korea works.
Poland: Charity Initiative Criticised by a Catholic Radio Station
Today is the day when Poland unites in an enormous charity event called The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, organized for the 18th time by Jurek Owsiak to help children with cancer. This time, however, there has been strong criticism of the initiative's transparency by listeners of Radio Maryja, a Catholic radio station led by Father Rydzyk.
Egypt: In our house.. H1N1
Egyptian blogger, Ahmed Shokeir, writes [Ar] his experience with his younger child's infection with H1N1 (swine flu), and how the family worked on combating it.