Stories about Health from August, 2007
Bulgaria: “Foreigner Tax”
The Balkan Yankee writes on the ways in which the so-called “foreigner tax” is applied in Bulgaria.
Egypt: Mubarak Deathwatch
“(F)or over a week now the Egyptian (non-state) media has gone into another one of its Mubarak deathwatch modes,” writes Issandr El Amrani, from Egypt.
Barbados, Cuba, Venezuela: Literacy and Health Care
Individuality1977 weighs in on literacy and health care in Cuba and Venezuela.
Czech Rebublic: Syphilitic Pornstars
“Dozens of Czech pornstars caught syphilis during the last three months,” Petr Bokuvka of The Czech Daily Word reports.
Jordan: Athletes Health
Jordanian Hareega discusses the untimely deaths of ‘seemingly healthy’ athletes.
Sri Lanka: Health Minister and Homosexuality
Equal Ground on the Sri Lankan health minister's remarks on homosexuality.
Israel: Aids Patients Buried Alive in Papa New Guinea
Smooth Stone from Israel links to a story about how Aids patients are buried alive in Papa New Guinea.
Egypt: Mubarak's Health
Egyptian blogger Zeinobia shares her ideas on Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's health, treatments abroad and rumours of his death.
Kuwait: Crazy Week for Bloggers
Kuwaiti bloggers had a crazy week, which started with an earthquake, or rather a small tremor, early on Saturday morning. The next day a blogger was arrested for a comment an anonymous reader left on his online forum. The week culminated with a fire at a local hospital and the resignation of Kuwait's first female minister.
Tanzania: Mobile Veterinary Unit
When Mara Mobile Veterinary Unit reached Tanzania: “We have been vaccinating domestic dogs along the escarpment (wildlife reserve boundary) and today we are happy to announce that we now reached...
South Africa's Health Minister Under Fire
The South African Blogosphere has been abuzz with allegations against the South Africa's Health Minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, of alcoholism during, her conviction for theft and using undue influence in order to get herself a liver transplant. Various bloggers have aired their opinions of the matter as well as jokes and cartoons.
Malaysia: Malaysia and AIDS
RantingsbyMM blogs about a recent conference on AIDS she attended in Sri Lanka. The blogger also touches on the attitude of some Malaysian officials who attend such conferences.
Guyana: Whine-Fest!
Guyana-Gyal takes us on a tour of “whine country”…
Papua New Guinea: AIDS patients buried alive.
Caledosphere links to an article in which people living with AIDS in Papua New Guinea (New Caledonia's neighboring country) were buried alive by their relatives because they could not afford...
Trinidad & Tobago: Ten Things…
Club Soda and Salt makes ten observations about Trinidad.
Japan: Yokozuna gets the boot
Never far from controversy, Mongolian Yokozuna (sumo champion) Asashoryu is again in hot water. He left Japan having submitted a doctor's note claiming he was injured, after which a video image showing the yokozuna playing soccer in Mongolia made it onto some of the major Japanese TV networks, sparking a controversy.
Trinidad & Tobago: A Case for Condoms
“The reality is that people are having sex, illicit or otherwise, with frightening proportions in our country being infected with HIV and other STIs.” Ramblings and Reason makes a case...
Israel: Living Longer
Want to know how to live longer? Read Stephanie's post from Israel.
Saudi Arabia: Health and Saudisation
Saudi Jeans shares his moment in the limelight in this post – about the Saudisation (localisation) of the health sector.
Nigeria: Mountains of garbage
Nigeria Health Watch: “Things have never been this bad. Our epileptic industrialisation is leaving problems we cannot cope with. If I told my son that as early as 1970s a...
Jordan: First Jordanian Blogger to be Fined for Smoking
Jad claims he is the first Jordanian blogger to be fined .. for smoking!