· December, 2007

Stories about Governance from December, 2007

Arabeyes: Sad for Bhutto

  31 December 2007

News of the murder of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was received with shock across the Middle East. Bloggers reacted in awe, shock, anger and submission to the hopelessness of the human race.

Is Kenya turning into a police state?

  31 December 2007

How would you describe the political situation in Kenya? White African uses three words to describe millions of Kenyan voters following the announcement that the Mwai Kibaki has won by 200,000+ votes: disappointed, angry and jaded. Daudi of Mental Acrobatics chose one word to describe the mood: uncertainty. What are other bloggers saying?

Poland: Bhutto's Tractor Scam

  29 December 2007

the beatroot writes about a 1990s Polish-made Ursus tractors scam, in which Benazir Bhutto was allegedly involved: “Benazir had launched the Awami Tractor Scheme for the welfare of poor farmers...

Ukraine: Tymoshenko's Budget

  29 December 2007

Foreign Notes reports on the article in a Ukrainian daily that accuses Yulia Tymoshenko of going against her election promises and approving the 2008 budget that includes “a multimillion INCREASE...

Slovenia: Dimitrij Rupel

  27 December 2007

Sleeping With Pengovsky writes about Slovenian foreign minister Dimitrij Rupel and the stuff he's written for Sinfo, a PR magazine issued monthly by the governmental Communications office”: “(great choice of...

Iran:”A Weak Government”

  26 December 2007

Digital Klashinkov,Iran based blogger and journalist, says[Fa] that Ahmadinejad's government is a weak one and is in trouble for its economic policy. The blogger adds, recently, for the first time,...

Russia: “(Chimerical) Stability”

  25 December 2007

Streetwise Professor criticizes Time Magazine's coverage of Putin's Russia: “The touting of the (chimerical) stability of Russia under Putin is another example of the superficiality that passes for incisive journalism.”