· May, 2006

Stories about Governance from May, 2006

Bermuda: Parliamentary alibis

  31 May 2006

The Limey cites several examples of equivocation on the part of Bermuda's MP's over their failure to debate an important amendment to the Human Rights Act last week, and reports...

Canada: A legal on illegals

  31 May 2006

Jdid, a Barbadian immigrant living in Toronto, has very mixed feelings about the protests against the deportation of illegals which took place recently in Canada. “I feel badly for someone...

Barbados: Labour party blogging

  31 May 2006

Barbados's incumbent Barbados Labour Party seems to have taken to blogging like a fish to water — at least for now. Four posts in the last four days, on topics...

Bahamas: Development proposal

  31 May 2006

Residents of a small community in the Bahamas vote against a proposal which would have helped “preserve the character of local communities”. Larry Smith says the proposal's “scope, bureaucratic complexity...

Indonesia: Quake Proof Housing

  31 May 2006

SarapanEkonomi wants the Indonesia government to make people aware of the importance of building earthquake proof houses. The blogger also asks the government to encourage people in quake-prone area to...

Singapore: All Talk, No Action

  31 May 2006

Lionel is irritated with armchair politicians – the people who find it easy to complain but shy away when it comes to doing something. “I'm sure you have encountered your...

Indonesia: Earthquake Relief

  30 May 2006

The World Wide Help team has set up Java Quake Help Wiki. The team is looking for online volunteers to help them with content and translation on the wiki as...

China: Memo attacks FLG

  30 May 2006

In ‘Talking Point: Chinese statement on the banning of the FLG spiritual movement,’ the AngryChineseBlogger posts a memo sent out by Chinese embassies earlier this month in a bid to...