Stories about Good News from April, 2012
Bangladesh: Citizen's Voice, A Citizen Watchdog for Public Services
Citizen’s Voice ( is an online project to empower Bangladeshi citizens by having their voices heard regarding feedback on public services.
Bangladesh: Welcoming Pahela Baisakh
Tomorrow is Pahela Baisakh (first day of summer, Bengali news year), the favorite festival of the Bengalis. Every year Bengalis celebrate their new year with galore. Wherever there are Bengalis in the world, they celebrate this day with different events.
India: Gearing Up for Better E-Waste Management
E-waste dumping and hazardous recycling by the non-formal sector has become a major challenge in India, where e-waste output has multiplied eight fold in the last seven years. A new legislation coming into effect from May 2012 hopes to streamline e-waste management in the country.