Stories about Freedom of Speech from August, 2023
China retaliates as Japan discharges treated radioactive water from Fukushima
China is the only country in the world that bans seafood from Japan over Fukushima discharge of treated radioactive wastewater.
A Mauritanian high school student faces the death penalty over blasphemy
The gravity of the situation cannot be underestimated, as she now faces the possibility of severe punishment, including the death penalty, under Article 306 of the Mauritanian Penal Code.
Navigating the boundaries of free speech: Nigeria’s Twitter ban
While governments have a legitimate interest in addressing the spread of misinformation and promoting online safety, there may be more effective solutions than outright bans on social media platforms.
If adopted, Tajikistan’s draft law on bloggers will do more harm than good
In the last few years, the country has recorded significant backsliding with regards to freedom of expression as well as overall political freedoms.
Writer suffers threats and intimidation in Mozambique after book publication
The author revealed that he was being threatened anonymously by people who thought that a book with such a title should not be released.
How Turkey’s opposition elite enabled Erdoğan and misled voters
Ahead of and during Turkey's general elections in May 2023, much of the influential opposition media outlets, with its commentators and journalists, were in a state of euphoria.
Morocco's Amazigh pursue civic presence through linguistic rights
Respecting the linguistic rights of the Amazigh people promotes social integration and allows speakers to freely express their culture and identity, which results in increased civic engagement.
Cambodia: Problematic laws and restrictions on information are threatening digital rights
As internet use and digital technologies flourished in Cambodia, more people are relying on social media to access news and information and to exercise their rights to free expression.
Only Sharia-following women can engage in Kuwaiti politics
Kuwaiti activists and citizens are expressing discontent over the endorsement of a new law that seemingly aims to use religion to sideline women from politics.
Concerns in Guyana about threats against women activists
Women have been on the receiving end of death threats and other forms of intimidation for speaking out against mining, fossil fuel extraction and sexual violence.
Jordan's fight for online freedom of expression
Jordan's endorsement of the controversial "Cybercrime Law" fuels concerns about online freedom and data privacy. It also echoes a larger conflict between security and rights.
Gay couple fled from Russia to Moldova due to war and homophobia
After fleeing Russia due to the war and mounting homophobia, the couple is adjusting to being together without worrying that they could be arrested for being gay
Is the exiled Iranian queer community finally getting acceptance in the Iranian diaspora?
Punishable by death in Iran, homosexuality is also condemned by many member sof the Iranian diaspora. Yet thanks to a few exiled activists, things could be changing outside the country.
Hong Kong artist in exile in Taiwan uses protest art to resist Beijing's attacks on freedom in the region
For Hong-Kong political activists, journalists, and artists, Taiwan remains the last free Chinese-speaking society where they can operate. Global Voices interviewed Hong Kong artist Kacey Wong who moved to Taiwan in 2021.
In Azerbaijan, couriers are facing intimidation and arrests at the hands of the state
The recent wave of arrests and persecution are linked to the changes adopted to Article 27 of the Law on Traffic in December 2022.
A new platform monitoring press freedom in Southeast Asia
Seven Southeast Asian media organizations have launched, a joint platform to monitor press freedom across the region.
Dengue is becoming endemic in Bangladesh
A number of factors converged, resulting in a complex situation where Bangladesh is struggling to cope with the growing cases of dengue infections which have reached endemic levels.
What is ‘soft resistance’? Hong Kong officials vow to take a hard line against it, but provide no definition
Hong Kong officials have vowed to take a hard line against “soft resistance” but failed to define the term. HKFP tracks the term's usage and quotes views from legal scholars.
Unfreedom Monitor: Civic Media Observatory findings report
The Unfreedom Monitor is a project to analyse, document, and report on the growing phenomenon of the use of digital communications technology to advance authoritarian practices.
How the onstage stunt of British band The 1975 caused more harm than good in Malaysia
Matty Healy, the vocalist of the British band, The 1975, opened their performance in Malaysia by ranting against the country’s anti-LGBTQ+ laws in a profanity-laden speech and kissing his bandmate onstage.
These women are fighting back on the continued destruction of Turkey's Akbelen forest
Some 300 organizations have rallied behind the residents' call to stop any mining activities and deforestation in the area in a statement issued on July 28.