Stories about Ethnicity & Race from January, 2018
Africans ‘School’ US President on Good Governance After ‘Shithole’ Comment Sparks Global Outrage
"Yes, Africa [has] problems. We don't dispute it. But name calling & outright disrespect by the very nation that has stripped off its resources for years is totally crossing it."
Australian Prime Minister Accused of Political Fear-Mongering After Warning of ‘African Gangs’
"The insidious thing about this kind of craven political campaigning is that the details and facts don’t matter."
A Photo Shows a Boy Watching New Year's Fireworks. Why Do Some Brazilians Assume He's Sad and Poor?
"The people looking at the picture are pre-conditioned to understand that the image of a black person is associated with poverty and abandonment...This pre-condition is structural racism..."
Many Japanese Don’t See the Problem With Blackface on New Year’s Eve TV
"Note to japanese performing in #BlackFace: #Blackness is not a punchline nor a prop. Need jokes? Get better writers. Need a black character, get a black actor that speaks Japanese."
‘Offensive’ Soca Song Gets Boost After Ban From Carnival Contests in Trinidad & Tobago
"There is much that we have to talk about in Trinidad and Tobago as regards race, sex, class and even State-sponsored censorship..."
Growing Popular Opposition Continues to Put Pressure on Ethiopia’s Ruling Party
"2017 was the year of the Oromo People's Democratic Organisation...The OPDO was able to shake the puppet label and actually prove to be quite vocal in #Ethiopia's political arena."