Stories about Ethnicity & Race from August, 2010
Trinidad & Tobago: Not Yet
On the occasion of Trinidad and Tobago's anniversary of independence, Plain Talk says: “Forty eight years ago we may have left ‘Massa’, but we kept the shackles of our minds...
Malaysia: Racist Attack on Eve of Independence Day
On the eve of Malaysia's Independence Day, a story was reported on Facebook about an alleged racist attack by several teenagers. Here are some online reactions and reflections on racism in modern Malaysia
Armenia-Azerbaijan: More dialogue through film
With national television in Armenia and Azerbaijan controlled by the authorities or government-linked individuals, there is little opportunity for independent reporting. Now more objective and human interest stories can be found on the Internet.
India: A Message To Pastor Jones
Raja Basu from New Delhi is shocked by the heinous plan of Pastor Terry Jones to burn The Quran to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 incident. The blogger...
South Asia: Bloggers On The ‘Ground Zero Mosque’
The recent debate on the planned Islamic Center/Mosque near the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, USA has been reverberated in many blogospheres around the world. In this post we will look at snippets of some interesting conversations on this issue by a number of South Asian bloggers.
Kyrgyzstan: Economic roots of inter-ethnic clashes
Elina Galperin reflects on the possible economic reasons of the recent inter-ethnic clashes between Uzbeks and Kyrgyzs in the southern regions of Kyrgyzstan.
Russia: Mari Paganism and Charges of “Extremism” reports: “In their remote forest republic 400 miles east of the Moscow, the pagan Mari people are once again being harassed by the authorities. […] Ethnically kin to the...
Ukraine: Anthem in 14 Languages
Ukraine's national anthem performed in 14 languages (Ukrainian, Greek, Tatar, Gagauz, Polish, Romanian, Georgian, Yiddish, Romani, Russian, Hungarian, Belarusian, Armenian, Azerbaijani) – at Ukrainiana.
Armenia-Azerbaijan: Unbiased e-media coverage call for projects
There are just three days left until the deadline passes for the Eurasia Partnership Foundation's unbiased e-media coverage project for Armenian and Azerbaijani journalists and bloggers. Global Voices Online will...
East Timor: (Un)Dignified Sculptures of Women in Shangai World Expo 2010
In response to recent statements by a Timorese deputy, who reportedly implied that the statues of naked women at the Timor Leste Pavillion in Shanghai World Expo 2010 are not...
Russia: “Where's Your Rabbi?”
Oleg Klimov posts two photos from Birobidzhan in Russia's Jewish Autonomous Region – and shares this short conversation (RUS) with a guard at the local synagogue: “‘Where's your rabbi?’ –...
Northern Cyprus: Rihanna's Concert
Greater Surbiton writes about the controversy surrounding Rihanna's upcoming concert in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Azerbaijan: Lilit
Gulara Azimzadeh's blog [AZ/EN/RU] reflects on a meeting between Armenia and Azerbaijani youth at an event in Georgia. In particular, she writes, although nationalists and a rhetoric of hatred exists...
Ghana: Is Mario Balotelli Italian or Ghanaian?
Is Mario Balotelli Ghanaian or Italian? That's the question that has created a heated debate online. Mario Barwuah Balotelli is a football striker playing for Manchester City and Italian national team. He was born to Ghanaian immigrants in Italy.
India: Onathallu Festival
Maddy writes about the Onathallu or Kayyankali festival which is celebrated by the Nairs of Pallassana Desham in the Chittur Thaluk in Palakkad district, in the southernmost state of Kerala,...
Azerbaijan: Bloqosfer 2010
A site for Bloqosfer 2010 [AZ] to be held in Nabron, Azerbaijan, on 10-12 September has been launched at The hashtag #bloqosfer10 is used on Twitter.
Global: The International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
August 23rd is The International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. A series of events are organized around the world by various organisations to help inscribe the tragic memory of the slave trade promote human rights.
Russia: More Bloggers Join Discussion on Russian Nationalism
Paul Goble mentions [EN] the article of Valery Solovey on that predicts [RUS] the rise of new type of Russian nationalism tied to democratic ideas. LJ user ammosov says...
France: Discrimination Against Roma People, Labeled as “Thieves”
While the expulsions of Roma people are in full throttle with the silent approbation of the majority of the public opinion, some doubts start to creep in about the fairness of the measures. Some bloggers express their outrage at the measures that target the most vulnerable and the libel of an entire community as "thieves".
France: Learn More about the Itinerant Community
Around the hot topic of the “gens du voyage” in France – the itinerant community – Léa Charles from, gives a few definitions to sport out any confusion; Les actualités...
Russia: Shocking Pictures of Russian Neo-Nazis posts Guillaume Herbaut‘s [FR] photos of the “Slavic Union” [RUS], a neo-Nazi group aimed to establish National-socialist reign in Russia. In April 2010, the group's activity had been prohibited.