· December, 2008

Stories about Ethnicity & Race from December, 2008

Trinidad & Tobago:

  31 December 2008

“It is an interesting note on which to end this year. Going back in order to go forward, knowing what went to know what comes next”: Trinidadian blogger Attillah Springer...

Egypt: Solidarity with Palestine

  30 December 2008

Since they’ve heard, Egyptian Bloggers expressed their immediate solidarity with their Palestine brothers against the brutal attack. Everybody condemned the Siege, as well as the blind Israeli bombings that does...

Turkey: Apology Shakes Apologia over Armenian Genocide

  28 December 2008

Challenging 90 years of institutionalized denial of the massacre and deportation of the Ottoman Empire's indigenous Armenian community during WWI, tens of thousands of Turkish intellectuals, academics, writers, journalists and dissidents have apologized online for the "Great Catastrophe."

Morocco: Obama to Speak?

  25 December 2008

Algerian-American blogger The Moor Next Door has reported on a campaign set up by Moroccans to encourage President-Elect Barack Obama to make his first speech abroad in Morocco. The blogger...

Myanmar: Shoes, politics and colonialism

  24 December 2008

Shoes had been a symbol of politics in Myanmar. Aung Zaw of The Irrawaddy writes about a “shoe incident” involving British colonizers who didn't remove their shoes when they met...

Gaza/Sderot: Israel and Palestine together on video

  24 December 2008

The Gaza/Sderot: Life in Spite of Everything Project is one of the prime examples of the variety of ways a bridge between different cultures and world-views can be created through online media. In this project created by ARTE.tv, a French-German cultural television station, twelve people going on their day to day business on either side of a violent border were exposed on a website for ten week project which ended on December 23rd. The two minute videos documented snippets of the lives of 6 characters in Gaza, Palestine and 6 characters on the other side of the border in Sderot, Israel during two months.

Azerbaijan: Into the Mountains

  23 December 2008

After living and working in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku, for two months, a religious holiday provides Joe's Trippin’ with the opportunity to explore the north of the country. In particular,...