Stories about Ethnicity & Race from October, 2008
Ukraine: “A Lawyer and a Ukrainian” Joke
Russia Blog shares a joke about “a lawyer and a Ukrainian.”
Russia: Chinese Laborers
Window on Eurasia writes that “ethnic Chinese working and living in the Russian Far East find their surrounding social and political scene far more congenial than do their co-ethnics living...
Albania: “Sworn Virgins”
Balkan File links to a BBC story on “Albanian women who became men, not as transsexuals, but because the man of the house had died, leaving a mother alone with...
Trinidad & Tobago: Building Walls
As the government of Trinidad and Tobago begins construction on a wall they say is part of a beautification project, but which many view as a tactic for hiding the...
Bermuda: National Pride
FreshieBlog lists a number of reasons he is proud to be Bermudian.
D.R. of Congo: Blogging From the War Zone
The following are eye-witness accounts from bloggers based in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo about the situation in the area following fresh clashes between rebels, government and UN forces.
D.R. Congo: Confusion Reigns in Goma
Two months ago fighting resumed in the DR Congo's Eastern province of North Kivu between the rebel group led by Laurent Nkunda and government forces, in violation of a peace accord signed in January. The fighting has intensified during the last 6 days and, although a cease-fire was announced, the situation remains uncertain in Goma. Here are a few impressions from bloggers on the ground.
Ukraine: Kyiv's Churches
Pictures of Kyiv's churches – at Nash Holos.
Malaysia's Jungle Spirits
Lush with primary and secondary virgin jungle, Malaysians have long held a respect for the forests. It also helps that myths, whether bearing down from the forefathers or from urban legend, has caused a lot of superstition surrounding the vast jungle of Malaysia.
Haiti, D.R.: Rediscovering Atlantis?
The Haitian Blogger is a tad sceptical about the scientific theory that Haiti might be “the site of the ‘lost Civilization’ of Atlantis.”
Jamaica, U.S.A.: Race to the White House
“Let's be real… you want him to win because he's black…”: Stories of Me thinks that “it's no coincidence that most of Jamaica supports Obama for President, and wish they...
Guyana, U.S.A.: Making History?
“We may see in the possibility of America’s first Black president the sign of more tolerant times. We may see in the possibility of this particular Black president the sign...
Russia: Migrant Workers and the Crisis
Moscow Through Brown Eyes writes about migrant workers in Russia and the economic crisis.
Barbados, U.S.A.: Behind Barack
Barbados Underground says that most Caribbean people support Barack Obama for U.S. President.
Serbia: Asylum Seekers
At Belgraded, a rather heated discussion of Serbian asylum seekers: their true numbers, origins and political views.
Bosnia & Herzegovina: “Faceless Child Victim” From Srebrenica
Srebrenica Genocide Blog re-posts James Mason‘s photo and writes about Sead Bekric, who was 12 when he was blinded in an explosion in Srebrenica, which killed 62 children and wounded...
Colombia: Indigenous Protests and Murders Under Media Blackout
Indigenous groups in the Cauca region of Colombia have been marching and protesting their way to Cali, one of the countries larger cities. Accusations of government fire weapon usage against protesters have bloggers expectant of the outcome.
Haiti, U.S.A.: Powell's Edorsement
Far from being impressed by Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama, The Haitian Blogger says: “In Haiti, Powell was the ‘Head Negro in Charge’ of dismantling Haiti's democracy and installing...
Poland, U.K.: “Poles Apart” by Polly Courtney
Sylwia Presley discusses some issues raised in Polly Courtney's novel about Polish immigrants in the U.K., “Poles Apart.”
The Balkans: Roma Mass Graves Discovered
Romano Them re-posts a Reuters piece on the discovery of two mass graves containing the bodies of murdered Roma in Bosanski Dubočac, Bosnia & Herzegovina: “The order for the killings...
Myanmar: Socio-economic history documents
Myat Thura links to a website which features ancient documents about Myanmar’s socio-economic history.