Stories about Ethnicity & Race from December, 2006
The Balkans: Main 2006 Stories
Ed of Balkan Baby lists the most important regional stories of 2006: “Slovenia moves towards Eurozone,” “Croatia and Serbia Disappoint at World Cup,” “Croatia Stop-Start its way towards EU,” etc.
Russia: Kalmyk Deportation
Yet another sad anniversary from J. Otto Pohl: “Sixty-three years ago the Stalin regime deported the vast majority of the Kalmyk population from their historic homeland to Siberia.”
Russia: Nazism and Anti-Fascism
Daut is guest-blogging at Sean's Russia Blog about Nazism and anti-fascism in Russia and the Russian blogosphere.
Poland: Offensive E-Cards
The beatroot writes about anti-Semitic e-cards and how some Polish politicians confuse protest for political correctness.
Guadeloupe, India: 152nd Anniversary of Tamul Hindus’ Arrival
Atout Guadeloupe announces (Fr) that Guadeloupeans of Hindu Tamul origin celebrated the 152nd anniversary of their ancestors’ arrival in Guadeloupe on Dec. 24. Says the feed: “Hindus arrived after the...
Brunei: Origins of Wedding Rituals
The Daily Brunei Resources blog traces the origin of Malay wedding custom of bunga telur. Bunga telur is the token gift presented to the guests who attend a wedding.
Kazakhstan: Controlling Nationalism
Sean Roberts analyzes efforts to control nationalism in Kazakhstan, efforts that have not been entirely successful.
Sri Lanka: Discrimination and those of the Indian Origin
Moju on workers in Sri Lanka of Indian origin being paid less than average and the troubling times for this ethnic community. “Their call on an indefinite strike to raise...
Estonia, Latvia: EU for Non-Citizens
Itching for Eestimaa reports that the Council of the European Union now permits non-citizen residents of Latvia and Estonia to travel in the EU without visas: “Hopefully those newcomers that...
China: Xinjiang 2021
Michael from the opposite end of China blogs about his wild speculation of Xinjiang in 2021. The post was written in response to a call by
France, Minorities: Integration v. Identity Politics
Pondering the tension between integration and now fashionable identity politics, Fenetres Sur/Windows On writes (Fr): “Can we really demand recognition of our “community”, desire to live as such, outside of...
Bosnia & Herzegovina: Srebrenica Survivor and the Dutch
Srebrenica Genocide Blog posts “an e-mail from Srebrenica genocide survivor, Mr. Hasan Nuhanovic, who submitted the following opinion on recently awarded ‘medal of honor’ for those in Dutchbat who betrayed...
Trinidad & Tobago: Retro BWIA
As Trinidad and Tobago's indigenous airline comes to the end of its life (BWIA will cease operations at the end of the year and reopen on January 1 under a...
Estonia: Amnesty International Report
David McDuff of A Step At A Time (and Edward Lucas) – on Amnesty International's “report on Estonia which – almost incredibly – charges that country with “human rights abuses”...
South Korea: Will S. Korea Ratify Migrant Convention?
Koh Ki-bok from Ohmynews discusses about conditions of migrant workers in South Korea and urges the government to ratify migrant convention as soon as possible.
Bahamas: Bicentenary of Abolition of Slave Trade
Why should the 2007 bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade by Great Britain be commemorated? According to Nicolette Bethel, “the short answer is that it marks the beginning...
Russia: Caucasus Hatreds, and Peace
The First Chechen War began twelve years ago, in December 1994; the Second Chechen War followed five years later. Still, Chechnya remains part of the Russian Federation. Timur Aliev –...
Hungary: Chinese Community
Further Ramblings of a N.Irish Magyar writes about Hungary's Chinese community.
Romania: Romanianisation, de-Magyarisation
Csikszereda Musings writes on Romanianisation, de-Magyarisation, the Romanian Orthodox Church, and more.
East Timor: Native Ceremony
Dili-gence gives us a glimple into a native ceremony in East Timor. “One part of the ceremony involved the symbolic killing of a pig. Probably in deference to the large...