Stories about Elections from March, 2007
East Timor: Electioneering in East Timor
Dili-gence describes the campaigning for the upcoming presidential elections in East Timor.
Cambodia: SMS blocked During Elections
Mungkol in Cambodia says blocking of mobile SMS during the elections is funny and unreasonable.
Armenia: Targeting Students
At the CRD/TI Armenian Election Mointor 2007, a student from Yerevan writes about how the Prosperous Armenia party targets students.
Bermuda: Elections Approaching?
A reader of comments about the “surefire sign” that elections in Bermuda are imminent…
Arabisc: In Keeping with Fashion, Algerian Blogger Sued
An Algerian official has today filed a case against blogger Abdulsalam Baroudi, accusing him of libel for an article he posted on his blog. This will be the first time...
Mauritania: Successful Election
The CRIDEM blog points to a press release by Ould Maouloud stating [Fr}: “The March 25, 2007 election happened in good conditions marked by transparency, civic duty, responsibility and serenity....
East Timor: Want a Native First Lady
Republika Banana wants Francisco Guterres “Lu Olo” to win the upcoming presidential elections in East Timor as the blogger wants a native first lady. The other candidates either have foreign...
Belarus: A Roundup
TOL's Belarus Blog covers these subjects: silly pretexts used to arrest opposition activists; the Constitution Day; Belarusian “market socialism“; some of the effects of the recent “gas war” with Russia.
Egypt: Bloggers Among Egyptian Demo Detainees
It is happening all over again..and may recur in a bigger way tomorrow (Monday March 26) as more Egyptians are threatening to take to the streets in protest against proposed...
The Oldest Blogger in the Balkans
In the evening, Radmilo Ristic, a 74-year-old retired high school professor, likes to attend theater plays, gallery openings, literary nights, round-table discussions and other similar events that take place around...
Kuwait: A Week Goes by
The Kuwaiti blogosphere has it all this week – from business developments to the opening of a new mall, the death of a bookshop and segregation at Kuwait University. Q,...
Prosperous Armenia party everywhere!!!
As early as “@ 2007-03-21 09:07:00″ Narjan (ru) reported that the word “DOD” is charcoaled on the wall of presidential palace in Yerevan, which was promptly cleaned up (ru) to...
Guatemala: Improving the Electoral Process Pedir más, para…
As political parties organize their campaigns for the presidential elections, Jose Zamora hopes for a much more serious electoral process than just catchy campaign songs, ubiquitous street banners, and empty...
Armenia: Yezidi Election Divisions
The CRD/TI Armenia Election Monitor 2007 says that Armenia's largest minority group, the Yezidis, are divided over the upcoming parliamentary election.
Hong Kong: local action and 318 rally
Thanks Roland for translating the details of Local Action rally in March 18 from Indeed, there were no mainstream news report about the police abuse and the rationality of...
Japan: Tokyo election and nationalism
James from Japan Probe blogs about the Tokyo governor candidates’ stand and debate on nationalism, in particular to the policy of coercing teachers to stand and sing the national anthem...
Mauritania: First Arab Country to Hold a Second Round in a Presidential Election
The blog of Convergence Républicaine pour l'Instauration de la Démocratie en Mauritanie (CRIDEM) points to a La Tribune d'Algérie article stating [Fr]: “Long considered a back-country, Mauritania just proved to...
Egypt: Constitutional Amendments
In five days Egypt is scheduled to hold a national referendum on changes to its Constitution. Even veteran Egyptian opposition figures, well versed in the regime's authoritarian ways, have expressed...
Armenia: Decision 2007
Harmick of Blogrel explains why one should not expect much political change as a result of Armenia's upcoming parliamentary election.
Nigeria: dispute over presidential candidacy
The Head Heeb on the dispute over the Nigerian Vice-President candidacy, “The root cause of the controversy is Article 137 of the constitution, which prohibits any person indicted for fraud...
Egypt: Arrested Bloggers Released Following Constitutional Amendment Clashes
Two Three Egyptian bloggers arrested for taking part in a rally to protest constitutional amendments in Cairo have been released , along with other protesters who have been detained for...