Stories about Education from February, 2014
One Third of Pregnancies Are Unintended in Burkina Faso
Social Researchers at L’Institut supérieur des sciences de la population (High Institute of Population Science) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso published a report entitled “Grossesses non désirées et avortements au Burkina :...
Big, Bad Bullies of the Russian Media
Last week, popular journalist Vladimir Solovyov dedicated an entire radio show to dissecting and denouncing the Maidan-supportive tweets of a handful of students from Moscow’s Higher School of Economics. Why?
Parlez-vous français? Learning French According to Global Voices Translators
Struggling with learning French? Don't despair! You are not alone, say Global Voices French translators.
Ethnic North Korean Schools in Japan Face Ever-Hostile Situation
‘Koreans living in Japan‘ is a vague word glueing very different groups together under the same umbrella term. Based on their affiliation to North/South Korea and the timing of diaspora (whether...
Searching for Blame in Deadly South Korean Building Collapse
Ten college students were killed and 105 injured in a building collapse during a university's orientation.
VIDEO: Toward a Fair and Inclusive Education System in Chile
In the video above by Open Society Foundations, Giorgio Jackson, former student leader and newly elected parliamentarian in Chile, discusses the education system in his country and what it means...
Adapting to Extreme Climate Change in Mali and Madagascar
Climate change has already had a dramatic impact on the economy of two downtrodden countries
Trinidad Lecture Ignites Fiery Discussion on Gay Rights & Religious Freedom
A public lecture on gay rights, following a Catholic priest's suggestion that LGBT rights should be included in the Trinidad and Tobago constitution, has generated heated discussion on social media.
Zambia Ditches English in Primary School for Government-Approved Local Languages
Although there are 73 recognised languages in Zambia, only seven are to replace English as the language of instruction in primary school. Leaders of various ethnics groups oppose the change.
What Happened to Creative Writing in Malawi?
Steve Sharra discusses the reasons behind the fall of quality of creative writing in Malawi: Of the many private universities that are mushrooming across the country, very few offer humanities...
South Korea: Being Native English Teacher and Reverse Racism
Geoffrey Fattig of Jeollamite blog shares his brutally honest opinion on reverse and latent racism in South Korea, urging fellow native English teachers who under-appreciate a fairly good working condition to...
Ending Illegal Logging and Launching Forest Carbon Credits in Madagascar
The new administration in Madagascar is seemingly making a concerted effort to curb down deforestation in Madagascar. First, new president Hery Rajaonarimampianina has made ending illegal logging of Madagascar rosewood...
Crowdfunding Campaign to Restore Lebanon's Second Largest Library a Success
Sectarianism aside, 298 donors from all sects raised $35,000 online to help restore a Tripoli library burned down by Islamic fundamentalists in Lebanon.
Opponents of France's School Gender Equality Initiative Wage Misinformation War
"This is a nightmare for those who remain faithful to an ethic of rationality, be it religious or political."
A Personal Tribute to Jamaican “Interventionist” Stuart Hall
Jamaica-based blogger Annie Paul posts a personal and stirring tribute to the late Jamaican cultural theorist Stuart Hall - a must-read for anyone who admired his work.
Remembering Dr Alison Jolly, Lemurs of Madagascar Expert
After leading a distinguished career as a primatologist at the Berenty Reserve of Madagascar, Dr. Alison Jolly has died at home in Lewes, East Sussex, aged 76. Dr. Jolly, a PhD researcher from...
Remembering the Jamaican Cultural Theorist Stuart Hall
Jamaican-born cultural theorist Stuart Hall died today; netizens and academics all over the Caribbean - indeed, the world - were shocked by the news, expressing their grief on social media.
An Info-Activism Tool-Kit on Women's Rights Campaigning
The Women's Rights Campaigning: Info-Activism Toolkit by Tactical Technology Collective is a new guide for women's rights activists, advocates, NGOs and community based organizations who want to use technology tools...
A Video That Made 50 Schools Safe
Video Volunteers Community Correspondent Amit Topno from Torpa Block, Jharkhand talks about making a video that brought about a positive change that had potentially saved the lives of 5000 people...
Pakistani Superhero Ms. Marvel
It's a comic book. And yet, while I did a lot of laughing [it's got a lot of funny moments] I also couldn't stop the tears. Because I was so...
The French Expatriate Perspective on France's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric
The immigration debate is taking center stage in the public conversation of France. French citizens living abroad have a different perspective on the issue.