Stories about Education from February, 2012
Video Highlights: Defending Human Rights
A selection of Global Voices' recent and interesting stories on video advocacy including indigenous rights and recent news from Latin America, East Asia, Western Europe and Sub Saharan Africa selected by Juliana Rincón Parra.
Palestine: “Diwan Ghazza” and the Gaza Book Club
Yasmeen El Khoudary introduces an initiative by young bloggers in Gaza called Diwan Ghazza, and the Gaza Book Club.
Africa: Vote for the Most Influential African Thinker Alive
Africa is a Country blog wants readers to vote for one influential African thinker from a list of 12 candidates. The list includes Chinua Achebe (Nigeria), Mahmood Mamdani (Uganda), Mamdouh Habashi, (Egypt), Kwame Anthony Appiah (Ghana/United States), J M Coetzee (South Africa/Australia) and Issa Shivji (Tanzania). Voting is open until 5 March, 2012.
Brazil: Visually Impaired Dancers Become Ballet Professionals
Pierre Larose, on his blog Discovering São Paulo, shares a video report on ‘a ballet school in São Paulo which has developed a method of “teaching by touch” in order...
Jamaica: “Intellectual Ghetto”
Jamaica Woman Tongue feels the backlash “for daring to suggest that [the late radio talk show host Wilmot Perkins] had feet of clay.
Haiti: Students in Sheds
Haiti Grassroots Watch explores the issues surrounding the non-reconstruction of the state university in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake.
Africa: African Arguments Online
African Arguments Online is a multi-blogging platform that covers contemporary African events and develops debates on themes that are important to an ever changing continent. The platform has 6 blogs: Making Sense of Sudan, African Politics Now!, Rethinking Zimbabwe, Business Africa, The Central Africa Forum and Diaspora Debate.
Spain: Crackdown Against Students Continues in Valencia
Just a few days after the police crackdown at the Luis Vives Institute of Secondary Education in Valencia, students have again been the targets of beatings, pushing and violence from the police.
United States: Another Assault on Immigrant Culture
The decision to eliminate the Mexican-American studies program from the curriculum of schools has caused outrage. Yarisa Colón covers several initiatives that have been launched to stop this act of censorship against the culture of immigrants in the United States.
Sri Lanka: Promoting Reconciliation and Hope to Young People
Reconciliation is a much discussed buzzword across Sri Lanka. While there has been much talk about how to do it, a group called Sri Lanka Unites is actually doing something. They are uniting the youth of all ethnic and religious groups across Sri Lanka and promoting hope and reconciliation to them.
Hong Kong: Videos Against Homophobic Bullying in Schools
A LGBT group in Hong Kong has released a series of advocacy videos against homophobic bullying in schools. Oiwan Lam reports.
Africa: Weaving the African Dream Through Social Innovations
Gamel identifies social innovations that weave the African dream: “Tech in Education: This project is the main motivation behind today’s post. Tech in Education is a 48hr gathering of ideas,...
Sao Tome and Principe: Series on Education, Genre, Arts & Culture in Video
Brazilian journalist Dani Moura, from Jornal Futura, published on her Youtube channel a series of short pieces on Sao Tome and Principe: she reported on education and children feeding in...
Guinea: The Indifference Towards Women with Disabilities
Boubacar Sanso Barry wrote for the site Yanous [fr]: “Example of the indifference and the negligence in Guinea towards disability issues: It is almost impossible to find an organization that...
Rwanda: Sharp Poverty Reduction
Edward Ojulu wrote on The Rwanda Focus blog: “…. over the last five years, more than one million more Rwandans gained access to adequate food, safe drinking water, good health...
Poland: Gossip Portal Accuses Mainstream Media of ACTA Ignorance
A Polish gossip portal's take on the massive anti-ACTA protests has highlighted issues that are truly relevant for today's young people. Katarzyna Odrozek reports on the avalanche of reactions from netizens and the mainstream media that this unlikely source of serious reporting has created.
Antigua, Guadeloupe: From the Common Past
For the past decade, the tight historical and geographical bonds between the West Indian islands of Antigua and Guadeloupe have been analyzed by historians. A recent conference entitled “Antigua: From...
Jamaica: The Marley Brand
Active Voice blogs about a public talk that Damian ‘Junior Gong’ Marley gave at the University of the West Indies, while Jamaica Woman Tongue repors that “Jamaicans of all social...
Jamaica: Engaging on Twitter
“Twitter is a very interesting space once you engage”: Grasshopper Eyes The Potomac finds himself empowered by the microblogging service.
Caribbean: Talking to Peter James Hudson of The Public Archive
An interview with historian Peter James Hudson, whose “digital humanities” blog The Public Archive collects historical and archival resources on Haiti.
Puerto Rico: Extraordinary Decisions
“What do you say when you meet someone you think is extraordinary? You should say ‘Hi!’ and then start a conversation,” says Gil the Jenius, who profiles the extraordinary Andrea...