· October, 2010

Stories about Education from October, 2010

Trinidad & Tobago: LGBT Community Speaks Out

  29 October 2010

Globewriter's Weblog says: “We have had this Ex-Gay minister here for a week and apparently the LGBT community has reached a boiling point…”; gspottt confirms that the community has had...

China: Professional test-takers

  27 October 2010

China Geeks translates a journal article from Southern Weekend on the business of professional test-takers and how foreign institutions struggle to combat Chinese cheaters.

Africa: African Science Cafes

  26 October 2010

On expanding African science cafes: “Science cafes are slowly and steadily spreading across the African continent. Regular cafes are being held in South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Ghana, and Morocco....

Serbia: Children Get Military Training in Russian Camps

  22 October 2010

In the prime of the newest public discussion on patriotism and the origin of violence in the Serbian society, newspaper Danas reported that two years ago Serbian children, aged 11 to 15 years old, had spent 16 days in scout camps in Russia, where they were being trained to assemble and dismantle weapons, to throw bombs, and to fire rifles. Sinisa Boljanovic translates some of the reactions to the case.

Singapore EduCamp

  19 October 2010

Registration is now open for the 2010 Singapore Educamp. “EduCamps are BarCamp style un-conferences where educators and people interested in education come and share their projects, ideas and findings.”

Benin: Text Messages to Help Protect Children Against Violence: Lessons Learned

  19 October 2010

The Violence Against Children (VAC) project is an initiative co-implemented by PLAN and Save the Children in West Africa and takes place over 4 years in seven countries. The project explored the idea of setting up a text message based system that will collect and map out reports of violence against children. The following is a discussion about the impact and lessons learned on the implementation so far.