Stories about Education from February, 2010
Azerbaijan: Oil Academy corruption allegations
ANTV, a citizen journalism site recently awarded for its contribution to freedom of the press in Azerbaijan, posts a YouTube video [AZ/EN] interview with Elmin Badalaov, a fourth year student...
Hungary: Students Have Had Enough of Bomb Alerts
There have been three bomb alerts in the three weeks of the second semester at Corvinus University of Budapest. After the third one this week, students started to campaign against the unknown person blocking the university's life with calls reporting a bomb was placed somewhere on campus.
Ghanaian students contribute to virtual media library
We are interviewing Jonathan Thurston who carried out a book-making project with students in Elmina, in the Central Region of Ghana using simple, portable technology to inspire creativity and social media tools to network with like-minded individuals and organisations.
Belize: Teachers’ Strike
Teachers are on strike in an effort to secure a pay raise: Belizean reports.
Russia: Government Supports Blogger School blogs [RUS] about a new online initiative: government-sponsored blogger schools that emerge in Tomsk (Siberia) [RUS] and Dagestan [RUS]. The Dagestan region has one of the lowest Internet penetration...
Africa: MILEAD Fellows Program for African Women
Moremi Initiative for Women’s Leadership in Africa is pleased to announce its call for applications for the 2010 Moremi Leadership Empowerment and Development (MILEAD) Fellows Program for young African women...
Peru: New High School for the Country's Top Students
In early 2009, Peruvian President Alan García announced the creation of a new public high school in Lima that would attract and admit the top students from across the country.
Singapore: Higher education spending
Blogger Blowin’ in the wind writes about higher education spending in Singapore. The city state spends more than 1 percent of its GDP on higher education.
Haiti: Reading the Reports
Repeating Islands republishes segments of a report on HIV infections in Haiti, while Haiti Vox links to a story on “who's getting the first Haiti contracts”, saying: “It's important for...
Jamaica, U.S.A.: R.I.P. Rex
Both Labrish and Repeating Islands republish The New York Times’ obituary on the late Jamaican educator and choreographer, Rex Nettleford.
Cuba: Educational Autonomy
“In these two years since Raul Castro came to power, expulsions for ideological reasons have continued – and are on an upward course – in the centers of higher education”:...
Jamaica: Honouring Nettleford
Tallawah notes that “the University of the West Indies (UWI) is set to establish The Rex Nettleford Foundation for Caribbean Cultural and Social Studies” in honour of its late Vice-Chancellor...
Russia: Bloggers Discuss Utilization of Old Books
Libraries are throwing away old books due to old age and lack of readership, literary critic Alexander Zhitinski reported [RUS]. A library in Saint-Petersburg had to throw away all the...
Palestine: Going to School
Mohamed Khaled, posted pictures for Palestinian students going to schools.
Cambodia: Valentine's Day Sparks Controversy
Valentine's Day was first celebrated in Cambodia in 2000. It is now a popular event in the country, especially among the youth. The government, with the help of some bloggers, use this occasion to promote sexual health and reproductive health rights among the younger generation
Video: Mobile Libraries of the World
The mobile library has become a staple in many library systems, bringing books to those who cannot access the libraries themselves. However, in many places due to bad road conditions or lack of funding, the traditional system of rigging a bus or truck as a library is not possible. Thus, library trains, donkey libraries and motorcycle libraries have come to stay as viable options to bring books to the communities.
Haiti: On Orphans
“There are a small handful of beautiful programs working in Haiti to raise orphans to adulthood and teaching them to give back to their country. It takes a lot to...
USA: Undocumented Students Begin Week of Action on February 22
During the week of February 22, supporters of the DREAM Act -- a proposed federal bill that could assist more than 65,000 undocumented students to obtain a pathway to legal residency -- are planning a week of action.
Open Video: Worldwide Wireside chat with Lawrence Lessig
What is fair use, how does copyright fit into the digital age and how can commentary, teaching, remixing and research with video be freely developed? Tune in on February 25th 6:00pm US Eastern time (GMT -5) to watch and listen to Lawrence Lessig as he discusses these topics at the Open Video Alliance website or check out for screenings in your city.
Trinidad & Tobago: Working for the Tourist Dollar?
The Liming House is incensed by a campaign from Virgin Atlantic designed to “help the Caribbean”: “Both Virgin and the Travel Foundation appear to think that the only opportunities for...
France: International Students in Paris Blog on Cité Babel
The International City of Paris houses a community of international students living and learning at French universities. Their blog and journal "Cité Babel" addresses issues related to identity, cultural exchanges, language, and views of France and the world.