· May, 2008

Stories about Education from May, 2008

Burkina Faso: Level four culture shock

  31 May 2008

In The United Kingdom a bit more than a week ago, the Office of National Statistics reported that in the past ten years, nearly two million Britons have moved abroad, making up the second largest emigration in the country’s history. Presently, that means that 5.5 million Britons live in foreign countries. So, what does this have to do with Burkina Faso? It proves a point, a fundamental truth really, about foreigners: They eventually go home. Or at least most of them do. It just happens that in Burkina Faso, a number of foreign bloggers are getting ready to pack up their things and head elsewhere.

Armenia: Last Bell

Kyle's Journey in Armenia, a Peace Corps Blog, reports on the end of the school year in Armenia. The Last Bell is quite an occasion for graduates of 11th form...

Bahamas: Education Consequences

  30 May 2008

Christopher Lowe at WeblogBahamas.com blogs about the consequences of an ineffective education system, saying: “We are reaping that which we have sown.”

Bahamas: Social Breakdown?

  29 May 2008

Larry Smith at Bahama Pundit believes that the country's escalating violence, especially among youth, “is not crime. It is impending social breakdown.”

China: No Corruption in Building Schools

  28 May 2008

The education ministry has denied corruption in the construction of school buildings in the Sichuan earthquake zone. The comments in Zhaomu's blog showed that no one believed in the official...

Africa: Learning by Ear

  27 May 2008

A new multimedia distance learning programme for Africa in English, Kiswahili, French, Hausa, Portuguese and Amharic: ‘The Learning by Ear program examines the challenges that young Africans face and engages...

Bahamas: Thoughts on Crime

  20 May 2008

Rick Lowe at WeblogBahamas.com laments that crime is out of control, while Craig Butler over at Bahama Pundit thinks that parliamentary hearings on crime should be broadcast on television.