· August, 2007

Stories about Education from August, 2007

Egypt: Complaining for Change

  31 August 2007

Something I love about Egyptian blogs is our tendency to complain. Firstly because we're Egyptian and its our nature and secondly because we have so much to complain about. Among our complaints this week: international scandals, intellectual persecution, the Egyptian Legal system (or lack thereof), the question of beauty and as usual, religious persecution rounding out the group, writes D.B. Shobrawy.

Arabeyes: Just a Pretty Face

  27 August 2007

Miss South Carolina's response in the Miss USA Pageant to a question on why a fifth of US students couldn't locate their country on the map was the butt of jokes on Middle Eastern blogs today. Here's a quick review of what some bloggers had to say about her ramblings.

Jamaica: Bilingual?

  27 August 2007

“The very worst thing to do is to pretend that no language difference exists, and to proceed as if you are being fully understood”: Francis Wade examines the language barriers...

Trinidad & Tobago: A Case for Condoms

  24 August 2007

“The reality is that people are having sex, illicit or otherwise, with frightening proportions in our country being infected with HIV and other STIs.” Ramblings and Reason makes a case...

Iraqi Student in India

  23 August 2007

An American drama teacher in India writes about her encounter with a new Iraqi student, who hopes to stage a play.