· July, 2007

Stories about Education from July, 2007

Across the Panamanian Blogosphere

  31 July 2007

There is plenty on the mind of the Panamanian blogosphere, with topics ranging from the fate of former leader Manuel Noriega to a delicious tree tomato. Melissa De Leòn Douglass covers these broad topics in this blog round-up from Panama.

Haiti: Cervical Cancer Rates

  30 July 2007

Referring to a WHO report which estimates that nearly 80% of cervical cancer cases occur in developing countries, Dr. John Carroll identifies the disease as the leading cause of female...

China: To blog to dream

  29 July 2007

Two American bloggers in China will be taking their blog on the road for a year starting with a trip next month, for charity, for understanding, and for your dreams.

Touring Libyan Blogs: Health Sector, Old Ladies, Confrontating a Racist Bully, Globetrotting and Another Libyan Writer

The case of the Bulgarian nurses (and the Palestinian doctor) is already fading into history - while speculation rages if they have been bought off, whether they were guilty or not, if they were hostage to a political settlement in the New World Order or who is it exactly that defused the situation? One thing is sure on this side of the world is that their innocence or the lack of it has not been proven 100 per cent. However, in the interest of self preservation Libyans are moving on, writes Fozia Mohamed.

Chile: A Controversial Agreement with Microsoft

  27 July 2007

An agreement signed between the Chilean Ministry of Economy and Microsoft has stunned many Chileans. Microsoft will now have exclusive access to provide services through the Chilean government, and which will make automatic Microsoft users out of ordinary citizens. Some have stated that this agreement was not reached through a public bidding process, and there had not been an opportunity to explore open software alternatives.

Venezuela: Private Education Under Siege

  23 July 2007

Venezuela News and Views states that private education in Venezuela continues to be “under siege,” because of the state belief that “nobody should be allowed to develop a dissenting perception...

Serbia: The Upbringing of Children

The youngest of Serbia's current parents were children themselves when the country was in war just over a decade ago. Many had difficult childhoods and now face problems as parents. Zeljko Markovic, a Serbian blogger, writes about this, and Sinisa Boljanovic translates from the Serbian.

Russia: History Book Revision

Robert Amsterdam publishes a sequel of translations of a Nezavisimaya Gazeta article series criticising a revisionist Russian history schoolbook, the first appearing earlier this week, and the second today.

Singapore: Singapore Education

  20 July 2007

Modernburrow.lah.cc argues that “comprehensive university education is best left in Singaporean hands”. The author is referring to a recent decision by an Australian university to pull out of its Singapore...