Stories about Education from August, 2006
Nigeria: The Long Grass
For anyone that passed through the boarding school system, Nkem Ifejika’s story, bizarre as it sounds, is not in any way strange. What may, however, seem strange is that anyone...
Bermuda: Education & sustainable development
Christian S. Dunleavy congratulates an old schoolfriend on his decision to repay the scholarship funds granted him a decade ago; and questions the Bermuda government's decision to pave over a...
Singapore: A Teacher Reflects
Via comes a post where a teacher in Singapore is talking about what makes her hate her job as a teacher.
China: Peking University
Joel Martinsen from DAWEI reports that “Peking University,” which has endured since 1912, will eventually give way to “University of Beijing.” The school official claims that it is to make...
Russia, Ukraine: News Roundup
Yuri Mamchur of Russia Blog summarizes the news: cathedral on fire; good citizen enriches himself by not robbing the state; Ukraine's former prime minister sentenced for money laundering in the...
South Korea: more on English teachers
Robert Koehler in Marmot's Hole translates some local news accusing the misbehaviour of English teachers in South Korea: Affairs with High School Students, Spreading Nude Photos on the Internet. GI...
South Korea: Korean teachers’ union's proposed black list
Michael Hurt at Scribblings of the Metropolitician criticizes the Korean Teachers’ Union's proposal of black listing malpractice foreign English teachers. “If foreigners were to start a master ‘blacklist’ of Korean...
Taiwan: How I am Learning the Lesson of Chen Shui-bian
ESWN translates an article written by Lung Yin Tai in responding to recent political mobilization agains Chen Shui-bian. The newly formed taiwan group political blog challenges Lung's opinion.
Thailand: Student Video Blogs
Richard Barrow at Thai-Blogs.Com points to a school in Thailand that is encouraging the students to video blog.
Bahamas: Education upgrade
Bahamian educator Neil Sealey lays out the steps necessary to upgrade the Bahamian education system.
Jordan: What's missing in our schools?
Tololy writes about the five most important elements missing from Arab educational curricula.
Cambodia: Internet Experience Workshop
Cambodian cyberkid DeeDee attends an Internet Experience Sharing Workshop and blogs about it. DeeDee is a school student who represents the younger Cambodians who are exploiting the internet for infomation...
China: parents camping at Tsinghua
Mindmeter puts together some photos and reports from BBS and newspapers on the Tsinghua University campus, showing how parents of undergraduate students stay overnight at the campus without any shelter...
South Korea: English teacher
Robert Koehler in Marmot's hole summarizes the problem of English teachers hiring practice in South Korea: “According to Seoul immigration officials, about 240 unqualified foreign teachers were busted in Seoul...
Cambodia: New Story Tellers on the Internet
According to a research report released recently by Pew Internet, most webloggers don't consider themselves doing journalism. In most cases they are not up to what a journalist does. In...
South Korea: Liberty in North Korea
Andy Jackson in Marmot's Hole introduce a NGO, an unofficial Liberty in North Korea – LiNK. The organization is concerned with education on North Korean human rights and outreach to...
Africa: Lack of Strategic Studies
Le Blog de Kangni Alem posts an email from a friend which deplores (Fr) the lack of emphasis on strategic thinking in African advanced education.
Argentina: Courses in Digital Journalism
Wanting to gain some experience as a digital journalist? Spanish speakers might be interested in Clarín reporter Julio Orione's upcoming course in digital journalism, accredited by the Argentine University of...
Malaysia: No Malaysian University in top 100
Malaysian politician Lim Kit Siang laments the state of Malaysian universities as they fail to appear in the top 100 list prepared by the Newsweek magazine.
India: What are they writing about?
What is India? How do you define it? Tigers, bollywood, masala chai, technology, food, old India and new India, English etc. etc.?
China: unemployment
One Man Bandwidth gives us some data on how Chinese university students evaluate their college experience and future.