Stories about Education from June, 2006
Thailand: Persistence Pays
Boon, a recent graduate in Thailand is happy that he stuck by his decision to study a tougher engineering subject even though initially he wanted to switch over to easier...
China: Senior high reflections
Recent high school graduate le journal de Ahom blogger Ahom Guo finishes up his four-part look back at his high school years with the discovery that his high school is...
Jamaica, Cuba: Med school employment woes
Jamaicans studying medicine in Cuba fear they won't find employment when they return home, reports Medicina Cubana.
Philippines: Freshmen in Campus
The new school term has started in Philippines and Rex at the King of Chocolates blog encounters freshmen on his campus. The blogger welcomes the freshies and remembers his first...
Africa: What Internet Brings
Generation Consciente, Une Autre Afrique writes: (Fr)“A book by Cameroonian Jacques Bonjawo, Internet, a Chance for Africa [L'Internet, Une Chance Pour l'Afrique in French] talks about the benefits of new...
Vietnam: Students honour Cambodian Science Olympiad Winners
In Wanna's diary the author links to another Cambodian blog that has pictures of Cambodian winners of a recent science olympiad receiving gifts from Cambodian students resident in Vietnam.
Iran: Death of Intellectualism
Andishe No, talks about that many university professors have been forced to be retired. The blogger writes the most important protest voice comes from universities and Iranian government's priority is...
China: When studying hard doesn't get you into college, there's always corruption
The obsessive amount of attention paid to Gao Kao (高考)—China's university entrance exams—each year suggests either collective national psychic trauma or an education system ready for some reform. Although the...
Aruba: Blaming Dutch
ArubaGirl is baffled as to why the alleged difficulty of the Dutch language is being blamed for poor exam results among Aruba's school leavers.
Bahamas: Education consensus
Larry Smith outlines the problems plaguing the Bahamian education system and assesses the quality of some of the proposed solutions.
Mexico: Teen Engineer Takes Home Three Awards
Juan Carreón proudly lists the three awards won by 16-year-old María Estela Godínez Andrade at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ES). The Guanajuato native is designing a reading...
Kenya: The future is not what it used to be
In a lengthy post, Rombo muses on her own relative career success and the lack of employment opportunities for Kenyan university graduates, including some of her former classmates. “What happens...
China: Internet access in Tibet
Virtual China has a guest blogger today, Kathrine Hoersted, who brings us a post looking at the young Tibetan woman with whom she lived during her graduate research in a...
China: University students riot
In response to backpedalling administrations and denial of access to watching World Cup games, students at two universities in China rioted this week, leaving widespread and costly damage. Translations [#061]...
Mexico: Teachers Protest in Oaxaca
While much of the country remains focused on the daily football happenings across the Atlantic, a small insurrection of protesting teachers and their sympathizers has taken to the streets of...
Cambodia: Teacher's Strike
Vutha in Cambodia reports that the government is not allowing the teachers demanding higher pay to hold a protest strike. Commenting a government officials callous statement on the teacher's salaries,...
China: student riot
ESWN translates a post about Zhengzhou University riot. At its worst, almost 10,000 people were rioting. The cause of the riot was that the school lowered the status of the...
China and Japan: Animation academy
Ben Ng reports that A Sino-Japan animation academy was established in Beijing on 11 June (zh). According to a statistic, in year 2004, the animation industry in China made 19.5...
From the Kingdom of Cambodia to the United States of America
In July, Somongkol Teng will leave Cambodia for the United States to pursue a master's degree in Higher Education Administration. Under the US State Department's Fulbright grant Somongkol plans to...
Arabisc: The Arabic Bloggers Ken, Media, Anti-Blogging and the World Cup
Blogging nightmare… Starting with hot news this week, it looks that the Egyptian blogsphere is going to have more hard time in the near future. Following Aljazeera's one hour TV...
Bahamas: “Brokeback” and censorship
Nassau Bahamas Vacation reports that a group of lecturers at the College of Bahamas were refused permission by the Plays and Films Control Board to screen the film “Brokeback Mountain”...