Stories about Education from March, 2006
Venezuela: Op-Ed Translations
Katy of Caracas Chronicles has translated an opinion piece, originally published in Tal Cual by Marino González, a professor at Simón Bolívar University. Venepoetics translates an op-ed, also from Tal...
Japan: Textbooks
The issue of Japanese textbooks is revisited today with new translations from Coming Anarchy and background to the controversy at The Korea Liberator.
Russia: Putin Plagiarized His Dissertation
W. Shedd of The Accidental Russophile and Alex(ei) of The Russian Dilettante's Weblog discuss Vladimir Putin's plagiarized dissertation: “What was Putin doing in 1997? If I am not mistaken, he...
Taiwan: Teaching English
Scott Sommers provides some context in response to recent comments on websites frequented by English teachers regarding government restrictions on private language schools in “The Continued Crackdown on Commercial Education.”
Jamaica: High school sports teams at war
From Leon Robinson, a rather dispassionate discourse on the “war” being waged between rival Kingston high school teams in the “Champs”, the VMBS/ISSA Boys & Girls Athletic Championships. “We even...
Belize: The Jaden Foundation
Simone writes about the challenges and progress of a charity she founded in rural Belize which helps send children to school.
India: Forget the public school
A recent post on the Freakonomics blog on a 10 year old Indian boy writing in, sparks a post that talks of government schools being uniformly worse than private schools...
Singapore, Malaysia: Comparing Educational Systems
Rajan Rishyakaran recently got his exam results back. That got him writing about the differences between the Singapore and Malaysian systems of education. Singapore's is highly competitive and meritocratic while...
Philippines: Linguistic Divide
Howie Severino talks about the linguistic divide in the Philippines between Tagalog a.k.a. Filipino (the language spoken in and around the capital Manila) and English (the widely-used colonial lingua franca)....
Cayman Islands: Grammar
Fed up with the quality of the writing in his comment thread, Cayblogger urges the people of the Cayman Islands “to unite in your indignation of all things grammatically incorrect,...
Barbados: A Caribbean education
Barbados Free Press links to an article which states that British children of Caribbean heritage are being sent back to Barbados to be educated.
Belarus: Students Face Expulsion
LJ user lipski reports (RUS) that photos from the Oktyabrskaya Sq. protests have reached the dean's office of Belarus State University's history department: two students from the department are on...
Ecuador: Public Schools
Pigeontoes is disheartened by a trip to a public elementary school in Quito, Ecuador.
China: Plagiarism under pressure
Chinese Law Prof highlights a reader's comment on the subject of academic plagiarism in Chinese universities, which cites a recent analysis by Prof. Gong Renren of the Beijing University Law...
Buying In, Selling Out or Scraping By: Francophone African Bloggers on Social Mobility and Education
School on Hold While Mom Scrapes By Carine. Courtesy Tony Katombe. Le Blog du Congolais shares (FR) the touching story of Carine, a 22 year-old from the DRC with an...
Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome
Today's report is dedicated to the women of Iraq. Women have suffered greatly in the new Iraq and on top of everything have to cope with the prejudice of some...
China: Anti-corruption vaccine
The Peking Duck Pond has a discussion thread on attempts to “vaccinate” Chinese schoolchildren against corruption at an early age, with special educational sessions addressing the temptations of power.
Nigeria: University closes
Jangbalajugbu Homeland Stories reports on the closure of his university, Obafemi Awolowo University in Ife during the middle of semester exams.. “Students are to leave the University before 4pm on...
Iran: USA & Censorship
Antropologiinfo blog talks about censorship of research in the USA. Blog says” Recently, two articles by teams from the University of Bergen were accepted by prominent US journals and then...
Caucasus: Education
At young caucasus women, young women from Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia discuss issues related to education in their countries.
Tajikistan: Economic Education
“Tajik Boy” writes that he hopes that Tajik educators currently in the US learning about the delivery of economics education pick up valuable skills to bring back to Tajikistan.