Stories about Economics & Business from October, 2012
Panama: Statements After the Chaos Unleashed by Law 72
The impressions of Panamanians and foreigners living in the country were immediate after the chaos unleashed by the approval of Law 72. This law, without consultation, promoted the sale of land in the Colón Free Trade Zone, a source of income for the country and this province that practically lies in ruins after having gone unnoticed by the government. The protests against the law have left four dead and dozens injured and detained.
Brazil: Wikileaks Reveals Officials’ Disdain Towards the Guarani Kaiowá
Brazilian investigative journalism website Pública reports [pt] on documents leaked by WikiLeaks on the plight of the request for land of the indigenous Guarani-Kaiowá. A cable from 2009 reveals disdain...
Sanctions in Iran: Who Stole My Medicine?
The lives of six million patients in Iran have been adversely affected due to shortages of medicine, as an immediate result of unprecedented sanctions. Patients with cancer and multiple sclerosis - who cannot afford interruptions or delays in treatments - are most affected.
Cuban Government Lifts Travel Restrictions for Citizens
On October 16, the Cuban government announced plans to eliminate controversial travel restrictions on Cuban citizens. The policy will take effect in January of 2013.
Madagascar: How Much Does a Political Crisis Cost?
Since 2009, an additional 4 millions people now earn less than $1.25/day, 500,000 more children have dropped out of school and 336,000 jobs were lost because of the prolonged political crisis. Blogger...
Nepal: The Minimum Wages vs Productivity
Chandan Sapkota informs that as per trade unions demand the wages have gone up in Nepal to the highest minimum wage in South Asia, but the productivity has not increased...
Entrepreneurship, Culture and Solidarity in Africa
Despite strong economic growth, the African continent is still struggling to develop a class of local entrepreneurs to manage strategic industries. Many African scholars and researchers try to better understand the influence of cultural habits on entrepreneurship on the continent.
Slovakia: Protesting SOZA's Newest Copyright Fees
SOZA's general manager Vladimír Repčík addressed Slovak high school seniors via his blog on October 22, urging them to register with his agency and pay €15 for their traditional graduation parties. Tibor Blazko reports on the controversy.
Occupy Movement Rallies for ‘Debt Strike’ Worldwide
Under the slogan “You are not a loan, you are not alone”, Occupy Wall Street's “Strike Debt” group is aiming to inject life into a resistance movement against debt repayment. The operation is gaining worldwide support, and could very well revive the protest movement Occupy Wall Street which was born a year ago.
Malaysia: Penang's Bicycle Lanes
anilnetto writes about the proposed 12.5km bicycle lane in Penang, Malaysia. The first phase of the project has already started and completion is targeted in the next two years.
Manufacturing a Car in Open Source and Modular Design
I don’t know whether we will need gasoline, electric or hydrogen cars tomorrow. I don’t have to know, because I designed my car so that I can change the motor...
Madagascar: A Case Study for Small Scale Mining
The Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) in Protected Areas and critical ecosystems (“PACE”) programme (ASM-PACE) has released a case study on how Madagascar can “ensure continued socioeconomic development without undermining ecological...
China: Iron Man 3 and the Mandarin
The Walt Disney Company China, Marvel Studios and DMG Entertainment announced back in April that they were intended to co-produce “Iron Man 3″ in China. Stan from China Hearsay doubts...
Cuba: Cell Phone Use on the Rise
Puertasabiertas [es] reports that thousands of Cubans are purchasing cell phone service for the first time because of a new plan offered by Cuba's cell phone company, Cubacel, that began...
Chile: What is Poderopedia and How Does it Work?
Poderopedia is an editorial and crowdsourced data journalism platform that maps who's who in business and politics in Chile.
Portugal: Initiative Against Proposed State Budget
The interest rates on the public debt are “the only expenses that can be cut without recessive effects, bringing benefit to the liberation of resources for investment and job creation”,...
New Realities of the India-Russia Defence Partnership
India has traditionally enjoyed warm defense ties with Russia. However, New Delhi’s recent tilt towards Washington has prompted Moscow to enhance its defense and diplomatic states with other South Asian countries, most notably Pakistan.
Ecuador: Cofiec Banking Loan Irregularities Unleash Outrage
Antonio Buñay, former executive chief of Cofiec Bank – a state owned bank- and the alleged responsible person for the Cofiec case, which is causing stir in the Ecuador legal system and among citizens, appeared before the prosecutor's office on October 16, 2012. The #CofiecCase, as Ecuadorian Twitter users have named it, was uncovered after irregularities were found in a Cofiec banking loan for US$800,000 granted to the Argentinian investor Gastón Duzac.
Colombia: How Attacks on Energy Infrastructure Affects Citizens
A rise in the number of attacks on Colombia’s energy infrastructure by guerrilla groups FARC and ELN have had a profound impact on the lives of many Colombians.
Cameroon: Students and Researchers Evaluate the Welfare System
Welfare Systems are rapidly evolving in Sub-Saharan Africa, with some countries having implemented systems allowing evaluation of measures taken several decades ago. Students and researchers from Cameroon have closely examined social public policies and private sector initiatives in their country.
Brazil: Police Violence and Privatization of Public Space in Porto Alegre
Students and activists protesting against the privatization of public space in the city of Porto Alegre earlier this month were violently repressed by military police, after having destroyed an inflatable armadillo, mascot for the 2014 World Cup, that occupied the square with the sponsorship of Coca-Cola.