· January, 2012

Stories about Economics & Business from January, 2012

Puerto Rico: Waste of Money

  31 January 2012

Dondequiera says of a US $20 million ad campaign to promote tourism: “If we could only use 1/4 of that money to police and clean our beaches, maintain the bathrooms…....

Cuba: Upwardly Mobile?

  31 January 2012

The latest Cuban media campaign “is directed against the [expensive] mobile vendors, those sellers of fruits and vegetables who transport their goods on a tricycle or other wheeled device” –...

Brazil: “Massacre of Pinheirinho” Causes an Uproar

  25 January 2012

The violent eviction of the community of Pinheirinho, in the city of São José dos Campos, in the state of São Paulo, became known as "Massacre of Pinheirinho" after a demonstration of violence and brutality by the police in the expulsion and intimidation of residents dumped in the midst of a huge legal mess.

Caribbean: TEDx Shows “Ideas Worth Spreading”

  25 January 2012

“Ideas worth spreading.” With this simple slogan, TED.com, which began in 1984 as an annual conference devoted to technology, entertainment and design, has infiltrated the Internet and empowered people in various countries to spark discussions in local, self-organised TED-branded events, dubbed TEDx. This sharing of ideas has found its way to the Caribbean - in 2011, five TEDx events were held: two in Jamaica, two in Trinidad and one in Puerto Rico. Here's a look back on the events that helped change the region...

Puerto Rico: Vigilance over SOPA & PIPA

  25 January 2012

Dondequiera says of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA): “Mark my word, this issue is not dead. More like the living dead, a...

Hong Kong Rethinks its Relationship with Mainland China

  24 January 2012

15 years after Hong Kong's return to mainland China, Hong Kongers have little mood for celebration. Tensions run deep between Hong Kongers and mainlanders. Bloggers and social critics explore recent conflicts from the social, cultural and economic perspectives.