· June, 2009

Stories about Economics & Business from June, 2009

Ecuador: State Contracts With President's Brother Raise Concerns

  29 June 2009

Contracts between the state petroleum company and several private companies raised some eyebrows when it was discovered that the brother of current president Rafael Correa was a member of some of the private enterprises. Even though Fabricio Correa has been emphatic that the contracts were won legally, it is still causing the government to look bad.

China's Stimulus Package and its Effect

  29 June 2009

China elections and governance has a series of article on the China's economic stimulus package and its effect. Part one is An introduction to China's stimulus package. Part two is...

Russia, Nigeria: Nigaz

Eternal Remont writes that “Gazprom has created a joint venture with Nigeria's state-owned NNPC gas company” and that the new company's name is Nigaz. License Plate Poetry has a poem...

Dominica: Campaign Financing

  26 June 2009

Chris at Dominica Weekly thinks that “the issue of campaign financing is as important as voters identification and cleaning of the voters list before the next general election is held.”

Singapore: Infamous Burger King ad

  26 June 2009

Burger King has a new sandwich offering in Singapore called the “Super Seven Incher.” To promote the new product, a local ad agency produced an outdoor ad which is now getting a lot of attention and criticism around the world.

India: Over-indebtedness And Microcredit

  25 June 2009

Siddhartha Chowdri at Center For Financial Inclusion Blog comments that over -indebtedness and borrower delinquency are to blame for failure of the Micro Finance Institution in the Indian states of...

Dominica, Venezuela: The Motherland?

  24 June 2009

Following Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's visit to the island, Dominica Weekly says: “Many Dominicans have focused narrowly on the lavish developmental aid of Chavez than focusing on the fundamental issue...

Cuba: Hurricane Victims

  24 June 2009

As hurricane season gets underway, Generation Y focuses on the plight of “Caletone, a town near Gibara that doesn’t even appear in the Atlas of Cuba [that] is still deep...

Thailand: Thousands affected by train strike

  24 June 2009

Thousands of passengers were affected by the two-day nationwide train strike launched by employees of the State Railway of Thailand. The workers were protesting a cabinet resolution which they claim would lead to the privatization of the railway company. A survey shows that majority of Thais are upset with the strike.