Stories about Citizen Media from February, 2015
Iran Reacts to the Latest Snowden Leak on SIM Card Hacks
Iran's Minister of Information and Communication Technologies told Iran's semi-official Fars News Agency that he urges all state employees and ordinary Iranians to rely on their landlines for most communications.
Imported Bollywood Films Have Become Quite a Drama in Bangladesh
Popular Bangladeshi actor Shakib Khan joined protests against Indian movies being screened, arguing it would hurt the country's struggling film industry. Film distributors and cinema owners then banned his films.
French Teenagers Speak a Language All Their Own. Confused? Here's a Guide
Did you know "2m1" means "tomorrow"? Or that "C'est de la balle" means "That's great"? For anyone lost, we've collected some tips to help you understand the lingo.
Parliament Watchdog Connects Ugandans to Women MPs Through Twitter
Parliament Watch Uganda organized the #MPsEngage Twitter chat with women members of parliament to discuss the topic 'Making Women Count in Legislative Processes'.
Bolivia Might Have the World's Most Devoted ‘Simpsons’ Fans
Across Bolivia, people took to the streets in protest after a local TV network shuffled the 'The Simpsons' out of its normal time slot for a reality TV show.
The Political Violence in Bangladesh Is Claiming Too Many Lives
I close the windows of my car, and think of buying a fire extinguisher. [Then], if a bomb is thrown inside my car, I'd be able to douse the fire.
Oil and Water Don't Mix—Except in Trinidad
Residents noticed a strong smell of oil coming from their taps - but why was was the water supply still operational if authorities could not contain the threat?
Behind the Scenes of Mayor Antonio Ledezma's Arrest in Venezuela
Clashes in Venezuela escalated this weekend with the arrest of the mayor of Caracas, who is accused of being part of a plot to force the current administration from power.
Whoever Said Japanese Students’ Indoor Shoes Had to Be Boring?
Parents and children alike are personalizing students' "uwabaki", or indoor shoes. Students, teachers, and visitors are all required to remove their street shoes before entering the school.
5 Bills Threatening the Amazon That Brazil's Congress Might Consider in 2015
Demarcation of indigenous lands and mining in protected areas are among the subjects that will be discussed in the Brazilian legislature this year, experts told Infoamazonia.
Bangladeshi-American Blogger Hacked to Death in Dhaka
Roy is the second Bangladeshi blogger killed since 2013. Horrifying photos of he and his wife, bloodied and injured on the street, were circulated on social media.
Mexico's Missing Ayotzinapa Students, Day 137
The Ayotzinapa case is no longer just about the pain of the victims and calls to end to violence; it's now also about exasperation with the authorities.
Anonymous Twitter Account Blows the Whistle on Wounded from Ukraine in Russian Military Hospital
An anonymous account on Twitter claiming to be a Russian soldier at a military hospital in Russia is providing undercover reports on the wounded brought from the frontlines in Ukraine.
Venezuela's Military Can Now Legally Use Firearms Against Demonstrators
A new measure in Venezuela that authorizes the military to use firearms against demonstrators drew condemnation from the opposition, human rights activists and citizens.
The Political Apartheid Against Women in Venezuela
Desireé Lozano, a blogger for the Spanish-language website Voces Visibles (Visible Voices), reflects on the existing limitations on women’s political participation in Venezuela. According to the sociologist Evangelina García Prince, a kind...
Lawrence Maxwell, the Chilean Man Who Came Face to Face With Mexican Police Brutality
Lawrence Maxwell was in downtown Mexico City to take part in a peaceful demonstration in support of the missing Ayotzinapa students when he was arrested and threatened by Mexican police.
Your Social Media Photos Could Help Protect Whale Sharks and Other Species
Open source software solutions like Wildbook allow scientists to tag and photo-identify individual animals through photos and videos posted on platforms like Facebook, Flickr, YouTube and Vimeo.
Australians Shake Up Internet With Indigenous #MotherLanguage Tweets
Australians joined people from around the world for International Mother Language Day by tweeting in indigenous languages.
Belarus Bans Tor and Other Anonymizers
Belarus is banning anonymizers, typically used to circumvent government censorship and reach online resources banned inside the country, including many of the opposition websites.
Peru’s Mosques: Pearls of Latin America’s Muslim Immigrants
Global Voices takes a look to two mosques in Peru, in Southern Tacna and the capital, Lima.
Facebook Campaign Garners Iranian Journalist Masih Alinejad Women's Rights Award
Iranian journalist wins Women's Rights Award for her Facebook page "My Stealthy Freedom."