Stories about Citizen Media from April, 2010
USA: Rallying Cries for Immigration Reform
In the United States, immigration reform activists have taken to the streets - and the internet - in order to create momentum for comprehensive changes in immigration law.
Is Ghana’s first-ever Policy Fair a smart move?
On April 19, 2010, Ghana’s Ministry of Information launched a Facebook page dubbed “Ghana Policy Fair 2010,” an event that was slated to begin on April 27th through May 1st. But not everyone has been thrilled with this idea.
Latin America: Free Software Installation Festival 2010
The 2010 edition of the Latin American Free Software Installation Festival (FLISOL) took place and was organized simultaneously in 20 countries and 250 cities all across the region.
Global Voices Gets Redesigned: Welcome Back!
As you may have noticed, a few things have changed here at Global Voices. Our old design, beloved as it was, has been replaced. This new design heralds a new era of multi-lingualism in Global Voices, we hope you are as excited as we are.
Brazil: Arrest of Indigenous leader increases tension in Bahia
On March 10th, unidentified armed police invaded Serra do Padeiro, a Tupinambá indigenous village, and arrested their leader and later his brother. They are still in prison and their detentions have increased the tension in the region.
Technology for Transparency Review, Part II
Over at the Technology for Transparency Network we have already documented 30 technology projects that promote transparency, accountability, and civic engagement. Here's what we've learned so far.
Sudan Vote Monitor website was blocked for six days
Election monitoring website, Sudan Vote Monitor, was blocked for six days last week. Reporters Without Borders called for a total unblocking of the site.
Egypt: Economic Vegetarians
Red meat prices have risen dramatically in Egypt in recent weeks. Amidst calls for meat boycotts, many Egyptians are being pushed to vegetarianism due to high prices.
Sudan: Election fraud caught on video?
A video showing election fraud during Sudan's election is being circulated online. Sudan's National Elections Commission has dismissed it as fake. The video shows election officials stuffing ballot boxes. Opposition groups claim that the video proves their claims of election rigging by the ruling National Congress Party (NCP).
Uruguay: International Court Rules in Paper Mill Conflict with Argentina
The International Court of Justice in the Hague ruled on the conflict between Argentina and Uruguay about the latter's construction of a paper mill on the Uruguay River shared by both countries. Bloggers in Uruguay react to the court's ruling.
Argentina: International Court Rules in Paper Mill Conflict with Uruguay
The International Court of Justice in the Hague ruled on the conflict between Argentina and Uruguay about the latter's construction of a paper mill on the Uruguay River shared by both countries. Bloggers and Twitter users in Argentina react to the court's ruling.
Colombia: Video remixing and Presidential Elections
Remixes: From Hitler, to Chris Crocker and Pinky and the Brain, Colombian fans show their Presidential candidates support by remixing videos to help their campaigns and mock the oposition's candidates.
Caucasus: Social Innovation Camp
Although Internet penetration remains low in the South Caucasus, all indications are that new and social media has an increasingly important role to play in the area of democratization and activism. With that in mind, the first Social Innovation Camp in the region took place in Tbilisi, Georgia on 8-10 April.
Chile: Controversial Use of Popular Song in TV Commercial
In Chile, a television advertisement for Almacenes Paris, a large department store chain, that uses a song by the popular folk-rock band Los Jaivas without their authorization, is stirring up controversy about intellectual property rights and the extent to which cultural forms of expression are compatible with consumerism.
China: Verdict announced in Fujian Three netizen trial
The three netizens in Fujian province arrested last summer for their role in seeking the truth behind the death of Yan Xiaoling were given sentences on Friday ranging from 1-2 years. One retired senior official sees the charges as part of a larger crackdown on social activism.
Colombia: Recovering traditions and culture of the Senu people
Through short videos, the indigenous people of the Senu tribes in Colombia have been interviewing members of their community and capturing stories on food: the traditions, the recipes and the meaning behind what and how they eat.
Sudan: Using the web to promote fair elections, justice and democracy
As we are waiting for final results of the historic elections in Sudan, let's look at organizations and movements using the web in different ways to campaign for justice, freedom and democracy in Sudan.
Japan: The enigma of Japanese intellectuals
Ken Mogi shares his thoughts on “The enigma of Japanese intellectuals“: “Although it is sometimes a dirty word, I consider myself as “a kind of” intellectual. “
Colombia: Mockus-Fajardo Alliance for Presidential Elections
Two ex-Mayors of Colombia's 2 largest cities have joined forces to run on the same ticket for the May 30 President Elections. This new alliance for the Green Party has been well-received by social media users, which is a big part of the campaign's strategy.
China: Web mobilizes to help Yushu earthquake victims
Between local government attempts to keep news of the Yushu earthquake contained and China's top leaders calling for "all-out" assistance from the public, desire from offline and virtual civil society to contribute to rescue efforts any way they can has been loud and forward.
Uruguay: New Holiday Commemorates Charrúa Massacre
For the first time on April 11, 2010, Uruguayans commemorated a day remembering the 1831 massacre against the Charrúa indigenous people. Supporters of the Charrúa and the law allowing this holiday see this as a small but significant step toward embracing the indigenous heritage of the country.