Stories about Citizen Media from August, 2006
India: Limca Book of Blog Records
A blog to collect facts on blogging records in India at Limca Book of (Blog) Records.
Sri Lanka: A National Government
A Land like no Other on the possibilities of National Government in Sri Lanka. “Party politics has spoiled this country to a level where after your race and religion, supported...
Nepal: Politics and Beauty Queens
United We Blog! on a conversation with contestants for Miss Teen Nepal 2006. “The beauties looked confused and Arpana came up with the answer once again. “If you ask me...
Nepal: Get rid of Democracy
Blogdai scans the political horizon and suggets we get rid of democracy.
Bangladesh: Diaspora Group Blogs
Rezwan highlights diaspora blogs from South Asia on the occassion of Blog Day 2006.
Pakistan: Blog-o-day
I don't quite know what the appropriate salutation would be for this auspicious cyber day, so I'll just go with a very happy World Blog Day to all fellow bloggers...
India: Is The World Really Flat? It looks like.
This round-up is a patchwork quilt of blog postings with a global flavor. And flavor is the key word since we end our journey with a culinary post that takes us back to the 15th century which was the start of another globalization era....
India: Linux and Coke
Nanopolitan on the recent move in Kerala on promoting open source and Linux in public institutions and how the issue is being fused with a rather disconnected one of the...
India: Tourists in the UK
30 in 2005 on the phenomenon of more Indian tourists in the UK. “And these are not just salwar kameez and saree aunties who have come to look after their...
Pakistan: Internet governance
Tee Emm's Window to Pakistan on internet governance in the country.
Pakistan: Bugti and the Nation
Perspectives on the current domestic crisis in Pakistan at Metroblogging Lahore. “While I mourn Bugti's death as a Pakistani, I do believe Bugti was a misguided man. He allowed himself...
Bangladesh: Bangla Canadian bloggers
Mezba has a list of Bangladeshi bloggers in the Greater Toronto Area. “I thought it would be a nice time to introduce some of the blog talent that I know...
Brunei: Stray Dogs
The blogger at Our Local Style looks at the problem of stray dogs in Brunei and suggest a solution. “It’s also unfair to punish the animals for what I perceive...
Dog attack opens up a can of worms
AN EIGHT-YEAR-OLD boy, mauled by a pack of stray dogs, told of the attack in an exclusive interview yesterday and demanded that strays be cleared off the streets....
Philippines’ worst marine disaster
The beautiful island of Guimaras, located in central Philippines, is under state of calamity. More than 26,000 people who depend on fishing suddenly lost their livelihood after tanker MT Solar 1, chartered by Petron, sank in 3,000 ft of water with some two million liters of industrial fuel.
Guyana: Election watch
On Monday 28 August, an estimated 300,000 Guyanese turned out to vote in elections for the unicameral National Assembly. Elections in Guyana have historically been fraught with public anxiety and...
India: Street Art
Trivial Matters has a wonderful post on street art in India. “The question now arises that are the best and the brightest advertisers in India really the guys working in...
India: The National Song
A recent controversy surrounding the move to make the singing of the National Song compulsary has had some minority groups protest. Indian Muslims on what the issue with singing the...
Nepal: Festivals and Politics
United We Blog! on how festivals for women reinvent themselves to be more socially and politically relevant.
Bangladesh: Coal and Human Lives
The energy crisis rears its ugly head, albeit in a different way. Rezwan on Coal, environment and people, pitted against each other in Bangladesh.
Pakistan: Blog Block Back?
Is the blog block in Pakistan back? All Things Pakistan on the latest developments with a couple of theories on why this probably happened.