· June, 2014

Stories about Breaking News from June, 2014

Mass Protest in Guangzhou, China

  10 June 2014

Hundreds of Guangzhou residents gathered at Sanyuanli yesterday afternoon against the police action in confiscating some private property in a warehouse for fire prevention purpose. The protest turned into a confrontation between police and protestors, the latter turned over police cars in the process. Charles Liu from nanfang.com has the...

Celebrating Russian Crimea with a Candy

A Russian chocolate company in Novosibirsk has released a new candy bar called “The Crimea” with the slogan, “Just try to grab it!” A product announcement shared with the press features a super-hero character wearing the colors of the Russian flag, standing before a map of Crimea, with the following...

“Let Spain Decide”

  4 June 2014

IsabelOn writes [es] on her blog De sonrisas y espadas [On smiles and swords] about Juan Carlos, King of Spain, abdication: ahora que se abre un debate de “Monarquía vs República”, “Felipe sí, Felipe no”, “Referéndum sí o no”, todos pongamos de nuestra parte y apliquemos una de las máximas...

Would the Republic Have a Yes in Referendum in Spain?

  4 June 2014

On Lo que me pasa por la cabeza [What goes around in my head], Elena Padrones analyzes [es] King Juan Carlos of Spain abdication, and all that has to happen to make it real in the next days. Then she concludes: hay muchísimas personas que no están dispuestas a aceptar...