Stories about Breaking News from February, 2015
Russian Opposition Politician Boris Nemtsov Shot and Killed in Moscow
Boris Nemtsov, a prominent Russian opposition politician and one of Vladimir Putin's top critics, has been shot and killed in Moscow.
Oil and Water Don't Mix—Except in Trinidad
Residents noticed a strong smell of oil coming from their taps - but why was was the water supply still operational if authorities could not contain the threat?
Behind the Scenes of Mayor Antonio Ledezma's Arrest in Venezuela
Clashes in Venezuela escalated this weekend with the arrest of the mayor of Caracas, who is accused of being part of a plot to force the current administration from power.
Bangladeshi-American Blogger Hacked to Death in Dhaka
Roy is the second Bangladeshi blogger killed since 2013. Horrifying photos of he and his wife, bloodied and injured on the street, were circulated on social media.
Anonymous Twitter Account Blows the Whistle on Wounded from Ukraine in Russian Military Hospital
An anonymous account on Twitter claiming to be a Russian soldier at a military hospital in Russia is providing undercover reports on the wounded brought from the frontlines in Ukraine.
Venezuela's Military Can Now Legally Use Firearms Against Demonstrators
A new measure in Venezuela that authorizes the military to use firearms against demonstrators drew condemnation from the opposition, human rights activists and citizens.
ISIS Destroys 3,000-Year-Old Sculptures at a Museum in Mosul, Iraq
Armed with sledgehammers, drills and pickaxes, militants belonging to the ISIS are videotaped destroying 3,000-year-old ancient artefacts in a museum in Mosul, in Northern Iraq.
Belarus Bans Tor and Other Anonymizers
Belarus is banning anonymizers, typically used to circumvent government censorship and reach online resources banned inside the country, including many of the opposition websites.
‘Birdman’ Director Puts Mexico Front and Center at Oscars
The "Birdman" director electrified Twitter with his acceptance speech at the Oscars, discussing the Mexican government and the situation of Mexican immigrants in the United States.
Egyptian Blogger Alaa Abd El Fattah Sentenced to Five Years in Jail
Prominent Egyptian activist and blogger Alaa Abd El Fattah, an icon of the Egyptian revolution, was sentenced to five years in prison today.
A Passenger Ferry Capsizes in Bangladesh. Again.
On Sunday noon a passenger ferry reportedly packed with more than 100 passengers was hit by a cargo vessel 40 kilometres northwest of Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital. It subsequently sank. A...
Kuwait Sentences Opposition Politician Mussallam Al Barrak to Two Years in Jail for “Insulting Ruler”
Kuwaiti opposition politician Mussalam Al Barrak was sentenced to two years in jail for telling the country's ruler that the people would not allow him to practice “autocratic rule.”
Peru's Achuar and Kichwa Indigenous Communities Defend Their Territory From Oil Pollution
"The communities are not saying put an end to oil exploitation, but they are saying that there are problems to be solved [...]"
Cuban LGBT Activist Takes On Conservative ‘Family Code’
An article published in the state newspaper Granma has fueled a debate about the obsolescence of the Cuban Family Code.
Cuba Announces New IT Policy and Does Not Mention Internet Access
ICT use and access is one of the talking points in the process of normalizing relations between Cuba and the United States.
A Social Media Timeline of the Copenhagen Killings
Two people were shot dead in Copenhagen during separate events over one weekend. See how the violence unfolded through the lens of social media.
Bangladeshi Publisher Faces Death Threats Over Translation of Controversial Iranian Writer's Book
Riaz Khan pulled the Bangla translation of "23 Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Muhammad" after its publication sparked outrage from hardline religious groups, but the threats continue.
Despite Prosecutor's Mysterious Death, Argentina's President Faces Charges Over Alleged Terrorist Attack Cover-Up
Argentina's president and foreign minister stand accused of interfering with the investigation into the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires and helping to cover up Iranian involvement.
Ecuadorian President Threatens Internet Satirists
On television, Correa recently mentioned CrudoEcuador, claiming it's part of a network "paid by the opposition to discredit the government." Correa even threatened to expose the identity of CrudoEcuador's writers.
Egypt Bombs ISIS Sites in Libya in Retaliation for the Beheading of 21 Egyptian Copts
"#ISIS will have hoped to provoke #Egypt airstrikes in #Libya - this fits perfectly its vision of escalating conflict & chaos in the region," tweets Doha-based Charles Lister.
Egypt in Mourning Over Brutal Execution of 21 Coptic Christians by ‘ISIS in Libya’
Egyptians mourn the loss of 21 Coptic Christians after Libyan branch of ISIS posts gruesome video of their beheading.