· September, 2013

Stories about Breaking News from September, 2013

Lawyers Seek Ouster of Zambia's Chief Justice

  25 September 2013

Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda, Zambia's first female head of the judiciary, was rejected by parliament and therefore should not have the post, the Law Association of Zambia argues.

Hong Kong: Typhoon Usagi Passed Nearby

  23 September 2013

The ‘storm of the century’, Typhoon Usagi, passed through southern China last night had only costed some inconvenience in Hong Kong, such as disrupted transportation service and panic buying in...

400 Cuban Doctors Go to Brazil

  11 September 2013

David Oliveira de Souza, a doctor and professor from the Research Institute of the Sirio-Libanés Hospital, sent an open letter to the more than four hundred Cuban doctors who recently arrived in...

Belgium FEMEN Leaves The International Movement

  11 September 2013

“We are announcing the closure of the branch FEMEN Belgium. We took this decision unanimously because of different views upon the internal organization of the international movement FEMEN. We have...