Stories about Breaking News from May, 2005
Frederick Noronha on Blogger Certification in India
Indian Journalist Frederick Noronha has shared an article with us about speculation that the Indian government might start accrediting bloggers. Thanks, Frederick! BLOGGERS, GET GOING — OR GETTING INCORPORATED —...
The World Reacts to Star Wars
I'm tracking posts about Star Wars written by bloggers around the world at the starwars+globalvoices tag. If you find more Star Wars related posts from international blogs, please contribute...
Uzbekistan breaking news
Thanks to for pointing out that the “Scraps of Moscow” blog is translating news and analysis from the Russian press on the Uzbekistan protest and crackdown story… in which...
Blog for Human Rights!
Human Rights Watch is encouraging bloggers to use their RSS feeds and blog for human rights. HRW would like to help bloggers get the information they need to blog more...