Stories about Arts & Culture from April, 2024
An activist translates Minecraft, manga, and Harry Potter from Russian into the Chuvash language
Recently, interest in Indigenous languages has intensified in some republics of Russia. Communities appear on various social media, helping to learn languages and use them in everyday life.
Jelena Milušić and Merima Ključo: Balkan soul expressed through music
Combining the specific counter-alto singing with accordion enables two musical ladies to give new life to cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from XIX century lyrical poetry to Sephardic Jewish folk songs.
Sevdah: The perfect marriage of preservation and innovation
Sevdalinka (also known as sevdah) is the folk musical expression characteristic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has taken deep roots in the musical cultures of several other Western Balkans countries.
How China is trying to turn Xinjiang from concentration camp into tourist paradise
Overall, the accelerated and intensified assimilation program appears to have worked, and the authorities seem to have loosened the reins.
Fisherwomen champion gender justice through theatre at Climate Justice Camp Caribbean
By promoting gender-responsive policies, challenging harmful stereotypes, and empowering women as agents of change, we can advance both climate and gender justice, creating more equitable and resilient communities for everyone.
How Mongolia became a 3×3 basketball powerhouse
The national teams’ success in basketball has broken the popular belief that Mongolians can only excel in individual sports.
Moscow photographer captures the capital in military frenzy
For two years now, Alexander Gronsky has been documenting what Moscow looks like and how it lives during the war and how the war intrudes into the urban space.
The role of language in perpetuating sexual violence in Uganda
Several traditions and words used in the country, which are deeply rooted in culture, inadvertently contribute to narratives that perpetuate sexual and gender-based violence.
Romani language edition of the Dikan comics published in Serbia
The latest two issues of popular Serbian magazine Politikin Zabavnik include inserts with the comics Dikan, for the first time in Serbian and Romani.
Serbian movie about Roma singer become a hit in several Balkan countries
Biographical movie dramatizing the life and career of Džej Ramadanovski, a Serbian singer of Romani ethnicity, has achieved commercial success in several neighboring Balkan countries.
Kyrgyzstan’s unsung heroes get recognition through street art
The Kadam project is an example of an initiative by individuals who are passionate about bringing social change via creative means.
Central Asia’s unique tradition of singing during Ramadan keeps evolving
Jaramazan’s growing popularity has taken it to restaurants, parks, roads, and offices, where it is performed by professional singers, small children, and youngsters alike.
Arabs in Hollywood: Savage, evil, barbarians
Shaheen wondered whether there existed an unwritten law that Hollywood must portray Palestinians as irrational and evil, while depicting all Israelis as rational and righteous.
From entertainment to rebellion: The various roles music has played in Tanzania's history
Music has played various roles in Tanzania, from serving as entertainment to acting as an educational, politicizing, and unifying force.
The slow but steady erosion of India’s civil society
While India has a rich, vibrant, and ideologically diverse political and civil society landscape, the state's systemic crackdown on dissenters and NGOs is becoming increasingly concerning.