Stories about Arts & Culture from February, 2008
Russia: Feb. 29, “Not An Everyday Day”
De Rebus Antiquis Et Novis writes about “February 29 in Russian history. Not an everyday day.”
Iran:Persian Art
Kourosh Ziabari talks about the importance of Persian miniature, painting and architecture.The blogger also gives a link to Iranian great painter, Mahmoud Farshchian, where we can watch his great paintings.
Japan: Tokyo’s Mobile Food Bars
Ryoko from pingmag has a feature story on Tokyo's mobile food bars.
East Asia: Intangible Cultural Heritage
Ampontan has a very elaborated post on debate and discussion about the registration of intangible cultural heritage at UNESCO among China, Japan and South Korea.
China: Is ‘inadequate national virtue’ an excuse?
In a new published book entitled Lu Xun & Hu Shi: Two Chinese Intellectuals in the 20th Century the author made a thorough analysis about the mutual relation between the...
Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago: Panorama
“It is music that must be heard live to be appreciated, as much of it is literally felt in the body…”: Jamaican Francis Wade blogs about Panorama, Trinidad and Tobago's...
Sierra Leone: Aschobi Designs
Switsalone introduces the person behind Aschobi Designs in Sierra Leone: “Adama Kargbo is a 24yr old Sierra Leonean-American recent graduate of Parsons School of Design (Paris, France). She has recently...
China: Box Office
Latest statistic of the China box office shows that 3,527 screens worth 5.1 billion RMB. Sun bin believes that the bloom can even be bigger if the ticket fee is...
China: Thoughts and debates on the name-calling professor
The start was in fact very simple. In 2007, Professor Zhong Hua at Sichuan Normal University issued an article entitled Cultural Studies and the Lost of Literary Theory in the...
China: Model Opera in Education
Zhanbin criticizes the inclusion of model Beijing opera in elementary education because of its political nature (zh).
Kuwait: Celebrating National Day through Art
5roofa, from Kuwait, posts the art works of students from the class she teaches to mark her country's National Day.
Czech Republic: Markéta Irglová Gets an Oscar
The Reference Frame posts a note on Markéta Irglová, the first Czech female Oscar winner.
Ukraine: More Sketches by Olechko
Lots of new work by Olechko, including this sketch of “devoushkas at a cafe.”
Russia, Ukraine: February 23
Scraps of Moscow, Ukrainiana, and Windows to Russia! write about the Defender of the Fatherland Day (formerly known as the Soviet Army Day). Feb. 23 also happens to be president...
What does make them come to Campus Party?
Donizete Soares from Sentimentos e Pensamentos [Feelings and Toughts, PT] asked some campuseros at Campus Party Brasil 2008 [PT] about their motivations to leave behind their diary lives and flock...
Lusospheric Literature: Sabedoria de Improviso
Czarina writes in short, razor-sharp, words in her Sabedoria de Improviso [Makeshift Wisdom, PT] about what she may or may not have learned, and maybe about what she lived. She...
Japan: Cat Day Round-up
Feb 22 is Japanese Cat Day and Mari has a round-up with links to cat photos and paintings.
Afghanistan: Imagine art after
Sanjar tells about “Imagine art after” project, uniting artists who originate from the same country but who are now geographically and politically separated. At the exhibition, shown earlier this year...
Nigeria: Nigeria's youngest painter
Onarieta is Nigeria's youngest painter: “Carrying her lunch box and dressed in her signature look – tiny head scarf covering her beaded, braided hair, a contemporary top and a long...
Blogger of the Week: Nicholas Laughlin
Today's Blogger of the Week is Nicholas Laughlin - an author, editor, art enthusiast, activist and "occasional" blogger, who has dreams bigger than life for his hometown in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and writing projects and engagements which make him wish the day was longer than 24 hours.
Iran:Persian Arts Festival Celebrate New Year in N.Y.
Persian Arts Festival celebrates Norouz (Iranian New Year) at Queens Museum of Art in New York.Persian Arts Festival has joined forces with the Queens Museum of Art to present a...