Stories about Arts & Culture from March, 2007
Bahrain: When ‘moderate’ means ‘acquiescent’
This week some Bahraini bloggers took part in an evening regarding the role of blogging in cultural development, and the literary aspect of online writing in particular. Hisham Khalifa has...
Cambodia: Sex in South East Asia Video Podcast
Details are Sketchy has a post on a reporter from visiting Cambodia as a part of her coverage for a video podcast on sex in South East Asia.
Afghanistan: 800 Years of Rumi
Bonnie Boyd notes that Rumi, the famous poet often associated with Sufism who was born in what is now Afghanistan, was born 800 years ago and she reports on a...
Armenia: Entertainment Buzz
At Blogrel, Harmick has the latest Armenian entertainment and celebrity news.
China: Chinese photoblogging
Pingmag has an interview with the editor of 3030: New Photography In China on Chinese Photoblogging culture.
Ukraine, Belarus: Chernobyl
MoldovAnn attends the opening of a photo exhibition of Belarus-based American photographer Kristina Brendel, held at the Chernobyl Museum in Kyiv; she discovers that the Belarusian government's treatment of the...
Russia: Tolstoy's Diary
De Rebus Antiquis Et Novis notes that Leo Tolstoy's diary turned 160 years old yesterday: “In the complete set of his works the diaries occupy 13 volumes.”
Russia: Lenin, A Collector's Item
“Thus, what is so fascinating about the cult of Lenin is the efforts of an atheist regime to create a kind of religion for political control,” writes Darkness at Noon...
Ukraine: Online Graffiti Museum
Lyndon of Moscow Graffiti (and of Scraps of Moscow!) links to the online Museum of Ukrainian Graffiti.
Hindi Blogosphere: Hi-tech Blogger Meet and Match Making over Blogs!
Its no use telling that I've been quite busy off late with some unexpected emergency at office & the usual banter!! ;) So without much ado, lets have a peek...
Americans in Moldova; Moldovans in Italy…
Alexandru Culiuc's weblog is one of the best in the Moldovan blogosphere – probably the one I enjoy reading the most, and happily it has an owner and readership that...
Bahrain: New Artist
Bahrain-based blogger Bint Battuta introduces us to the fresh works of aspiring Bahraini artist Waheeda Mallulla.
Arabisc: Job Hunting in Bahrain?
Bahraini blogger Silverooo, who has just graduated from university, may have hit the jackpot and will soon be making more money than any other graduate her age. Her idea? The...
Ukraine: Ostrog
Olechko posts notes and sketches from her last year's trip to Mezhyrich Monastery in Ostrog.
Japan: Money as origami
Edo from Pink Tentacle introduces some fasinating origami made by paper money.
Thailand: Celebrity Life
Gnarlykitty in Thailand witnesses her celebrity cousin with her fans and muses on celebrity lives. “I don't admire celebrities for being famous but I admire them for their abilities to...
Haiti, India: Becoming a local
Haitian blogger Pascale Doresca reflects [Fr] on the ways she is settling into life in India: “For while now I have not found the time to write, to be moved...
Trinidad & Tobago: Westwood Copyright
Christopher at Subway Chronicles has just bought the Season 1 DVD of the Trinidad and Tobago soap opera Westwood Park – and he's already impressed just by the copyright warning...
Turkey is Typing….the Weekly Favorites
So rather than stay with one particular topic or theme in this weekly, I thought that I would just give you the insights into my top Turkish blog posts of...
Japan: Mask Idol
Lee from Tokyo Times blogs about Japan fashion and fetishism by refering to the recent “Mask Idol”.
The Israeli Blogs-Looking for an Advocate
Hello Everyone! Today I am guest authoring for the Israeli blogs…a section of the Middle East that doesn't get covered very much here at Global Voices. It isn't because we...