· February, 2007

Stories about Arts & Culture from February, 2007

Burundi: Where No means Yes

  28 February 2007

Expat blogger BeneBurundi is learning about local culture (Fr): “Communicating with people from Burundi is all about subtlety and interpretation; for example if you're proposed to and you decline with...

Senegal: Youssou N'Dour Cinematic Debut

  28 February 2007

California-based Congolese blogger Alain Mabanckou has nothing but praise for Senegalese singer Youssou N'Dour's big screen debut in Amazing Grace (Fr):”to see the few clips featuring Youssou N'dour, I think...

Hungary: Two-Tailed Dog Party

  28 February 2007

Pestcentric writes about Two-Tailed Dog Party – “a guerrilla street artist (read: creative university student with too much spare time) operating out of Szeged” – and showcases some of his...

Slovenia: Traditional Cures

  27 February 2007

The Glory of Carniola catches a cold (or something) and contemplates trying a number of Slovenian traditional cures (which, if proved inefficient, would get him tipsy, at least). Get well...

Haiti: Who Was Louis-Jean Beaugé?

  27 February 2007

Haiti d'Outre-Mer shares some delightful folk anecdotes about legendary Jérémie native Louis-Jean Beaugé and his descendants. The mythic figure's name has become a Haitian Creole expression to designate people who...

Zambia: village nicknames

  27 February 2007

Zambian Fish blogs about village nicknames, “Ba Yehwa (Mr. Yelling): one of my farmers got stuck with this one because he has a tendency to yell at people when conversing...

China: competition shows

  26 February 2007

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) orders TV networks to limit “competition show” durations to two and a half months (instead of four and a half months)....

Guyana: Mashramani 2007

  26 February 2007

rustinpc has a set of photos on Flickr of this year's Mashramani celebrations in Guyana. “Mash” takes place annually on February 23, Guyana's Republic Day, and commemorates the country's achievement...