Stories from RuNet Echo from March, 2011

Russia: Fukushima Plant Disaster Triggers Nuclear Power Debate

  14 March 2011

The natural disaster unfolding in Japan after the 8.9 magnitude earthquake on Friday 11 March, 2011, is currently the one of the most widely discussed topics in the Russian blogosphere. One of the most worrying impacts of the quake and related tsunami has been at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Here, Russian bloggers discuss the question of nuclear energy.

Russia: Sochi Mascots, Politics, and Some Twitter

  11 March 2011

In an unprecedented move, the Sochi 2014 Olympic Committee was going to let the Russian people participate in the choice of the mascots, from their creation to the very selection. However, it all got mired by political controversy, "Russian style."

Japan: Russian Twitterers Report the Earthquake

  11 March 2011

The attention of Russian twitter-o-sphere is riveted on six Russian-speaking Twitterers that are currently reporting from Japan (all of them situated in different locations of the country): @msvetov, @japanreports, @mig22k,...

Russia: The Dead Journal

  10 March 2011

Social networks strongly tie a person to themselves. The person opens a page under his/her name, puts out photographs, indicates interests, joins groups and communities, writes notes, shares impressions and thoughts. What happens to this page when the person dies?

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