· August, 2007

Stories about Blogger Profiles from August, 2007

Ugandans and Expats Face Off in the Blogosphere

  30 August 2007

"I can also tell an American blogger when I read one—they are different in a way that neither makes me laugh or angered. See this entry, for example. Well, maybe some aren’t that American, but the Americans—most expats, anyway—tend to lean towards that. To them, Uganda is little more than an experiment in hard living." This quote comes from 27 Comrade’s blog....Read on.

Malawi: Moving on Despite the Politics of Section 65

  23 August 2007

The phenomenal story of 19 year-old Malawian blogger William Kamkwamba continues to attract attention from around the globe. William began making headlines after his appearance at the TEDGlobal 2007 conference in Tanzania, in June, where he talked about how he built a windmill using locally available resources in a remote part of Malawi where the easiest means of energy is fuel, wood, kerosene and candlelight.

Let Hoder Speak!

  20 August 2007

Following the suspension of Hossein Derakhshan’s blog (aka Hoder) by the U.S. based hosting company, Hosting Matters, an online petition has been launched by The Eyeranian in support of Hoder’s...

Bahrain: Meet the Bloggers!

  4 August 2007

Thursday 2 August saw the 31st gathering of Bahrain's bloggers, and instead of giving you a summary of blog posts this week, Ayesha Saldanha is going to introduce you to the bloggers who attended the gathering this month.

Tanzania: Lessons on building a virtual blogging community

  1 August 2007

How do you build a democratic blogging community made up of members living in different parts of the world? The Tanzanian experience in building its formal organization, Jumuwata, offers important practical and theoretical lessons to bloggers and citizen media activitsts on how to build a collaborative and democratic blogging community online.

About our Blogger Profiles coverage

Profiles of top bridge bloggers around the world