Stories about Advox from June, 2014
These 5 Experts Explain Why Alexander Sodiqov's Arrest in Tajikistan Is So Troubling
Civic activists and journalists fear the arrest of Global Voices' Alexander Sodiqov could have worrying consequences on research in Central Asia.
‘Happy’ in Thailand? How the Coup Regime Is Still Suppressing Democracy
Mass media is being censored, Facebook is under fire and even the Hunger Games salute has been outlawed. Are Thais truly "happy" under the military regime?
Iran's Internet Under Hassan Rouhani: Hope and Disillusionment as Narenji Bloggers Face Prison Sentence
What explains the recent moves to tighten controls within Iran’s cyberspace alongside Rouhani’s liberal Internet ethos? Mahsa Alimardani and Fred Petrossian explain in this exclusive #longread for GVA.
Russia Says the Internet Spreads Extremism
Russia’s Interior Ministry has drafted a ten-year strategy for countering violent extremism. The plan identifies the Internet as the main conduit for extremism and calls for new policing measures.
Revolutionary Band Laal's Facebook Page is Now Accessible in Pakistan. Hooray? Not Really.
The unblocking of Laal was a minor battle won in the war over Internet content -- a war we are losing.
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are Blocked in Iraq
Local media and at least one ISP are reporting that the Ministry of Communications ordered Internet providers to shut down Google and social media sites, fearing security risks.
Meeting with Putin, Industry Leaders Ditch Users on Digital Rights
Vladimir Putin attended a much-anticipated meeting with Russian Internet industry leaders in Moscow today. Did they discuss Internet freedom? Barely.
One Year After the Snowden Revelations: How the NSA Violates International Human Rights Standards
Under NSA surveillance programs, the US government has violated international human rights doctrine and even its own laws. Know the facts and learn how you can reclaim your digital privacy.