· May, 2015

Below are posts about citizen media in English. Don't miss Global Voices, where Global Voices posts are translated into English! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Stories about English from May, 2015

Political Memes, Welcome to Myanmar

  27 May 2015

The era of Internet memes has arrived in Myanmar, where the online phenomenon has become a popular way to discuss various social and political topics, particularly upcoming elections.

Robot Commenters Accidentally Expose Themselves on China's Weibo Platform

Advox  27 May 2015

Patrick Wong contributed to this post. Chinese netizens are having a good laugh over the mechanized missteps of government-controlled robot commenters, who have been criticizing messages sent by their own masters. A few weeks ago, a group of robots seized upon a congratulatory message posted on Weibo over a year...

Southeast Asia Migration Routes and Statistics

  24 May 2015

The International Organization for Migration has released a map showing the routes taken by boat refugees from Bangladesh and Myanmar when they sought shelter in several Southeast Asian countries. As of May 19, 2015, the IOM estimated that 4,000 refugees are still stranded in the sea while 3,200 have already...

About our English coverage
