· March, 2015

Below are posts about citizen media in English. Don't miss Global Voices, where Global Voices posts are translated into English! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Stories about English from March, 2015

Sudan Turns Back on Iran, Joins Saudi Arabia's War on Yemen

Sudan switched sides from being an Iranian ally, to waging war against the Houthis, Iran's allies in Yemen. Sudan joining the Saudi-led coalition against the Houthi fighters, who took control of Sanaa in January this year, has raised eyebrows. UAE-based journalist Abbas Al Lawati tweets: Sudan's involvement in the Yemen...

A Trinidadian Falls in Love with Jamaica

  26 March 2015

Trindadian diaspora fashion blogger, Afrobella, grew up “steeped in reggae music and [with] a love for Jamaican culture” – so why did it take her so long to actually visit the island? She's not sure she can answer that question, considering that her first impression was that “Jamaica is an...

Documenting the Systematic Decline of Women's Rights in Macedonia

  25 March 2015

Although southeast European countries are progressive in many other ways, the decline of women's reproductive rights in some Western Balkan countries has been a worrying trend. In Macedonia, several small protests have been held in recent years to demonstrate people's opposition to government involvement in determining public sentiment on issues...

Bermuda's 99%

  25 March 2015

The economic gap appears to be widening in Bermuda and one blogger has been paying attention. A week ago, after the Bermuda Telephone Company announced that it was considering introducing new – and more expensive – residential high speed broadband internet products and a high-end restaurant launched a $1000 per...

13 Eritrean Writers You Should Know About

  25 March 2015

Woyingi compiles a list of Eritrean literature, which includes Sulaiman Addonia's The Consequences of Love and Taught to hate: observations on madrasas, Astier M. Almedom's Re-reading the Short and Long-Rigged History of Eritrea 1941–1952: Back to the Future?, Alemseged Tesfai's Two Weeks in the Trenches: Reminiscences of Childhood and War...

About our English coverage
